Ch. 27

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::Delilah's POV::

"So, what was the main objective of this whole 'kidnapping and trapping in a videogame' plot? Why'd the Master do this?" I asked the cat as we continued on our walk.

"Something along the lines of, he went to Vidcon like a year or two and didn't become best friends with a single one of his favorite youtubers which made him angry, and then he started watching your channel and got obsessed. His first idea was to bring everyone into the games so he could make friends with every last one of you. But as it became more an more clear that a few of the guys thought you were cute and you wanted to be friends with them and you all hated him for snatching you guys from reality, he switched it all up and only wants to be best friends with you, now. The final puzzle is your supposed to find the fan letter he wrote to you, decode it, and meet him at some random meeting spot, where he assumes you'll hug him and dance off into the sunset with him. He blubbers on about all this shit all the time, it's really annoying. Instead, I'm gonna take you right to the control room where you can defeat whatever guards he has set up, knock him out, and hit the emergency escape button on the console. I would've hit it for you, but you have to scan his fingerprint on the scanner-thing to open the lid to the section where the button is." I blinked. That was a lot of information.

"Cat, you're the best. I would be so screwed trying to do this by myself, I'd probably die, I'm glad you're on my team." I told him, smiling.

"I know, I know. Oh, by the way, we're here." He replied, lifting a paw in the direction of a red door at the end of the hall. It'd been a long trip, with many twists and turns, but we'd made it.

"Well, here we go."

::Cry's POV::

When Dan and I pulled ourselves off the top rung of the ladder and into the corridor above, I informed him that this definitely wasn't where this led in the regular game. He was in the middle of asking if I thought this was the right way when we heard distant voices and footsteps.

"Is that Delilah, do you think?" Dan whispered, squinting and cupping a hand near his ear. I listened, and it sounded like a girls voice, so I assumed it was Delilah. But there was another voice as well.

"Probably, but I hear another voice, too." I breathed back, peeking quietly around the corner.

"What if it's the masters voice? What if he's about to erase our brains and she's trying to fight him and she still doesn't know?" He sounded panicky as he rambled. I gripped his arms.

"Calm down. We need to run in order to get there before anything happens, are you ready?" I asked, preparing to sprint.

"Ready." He said. We set off.

::Delilah's POV::

As my fingers curled around the knob, and I began to pull just the slightest bit, another zombie fell from the ceiling just behind me. I could hear him groaning. I didn't want him to alert anyone of my presence, so I spun around and cut his head off with the shears. The rotten body flopped over on the floor, and I quickly turned around and yanked the door open.

Inside the room was a huge semi-circle console, and a shit-load of screens displaying nearly every room in the house. A few were missing, here and there, including the long hallway to this room. Seated at the control panel was a scruffy looking guy, maybe twenty, bugged out eyes glued to the screens. When the force of me opening the door caused it to swing all the way in and bang against the wall, his eyes ripped away from his creepy security system and focused on me.


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