Ch. 28

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::Delilah's POV::

Everything that happened after I walked up to the guy who'd been keeping us here, happened in slow motion. I grabbed him by the hair and yanked his head back. Ryan and Dan burst through the door.

My hand was raised, and as Dan was parting his lips to yell something I brought the handle of the shears down onto the guys head. He went slack. I let go and let him slide to the floor. Ryan looked like he was about to open his mouth, but both he and Dan were frozen.

I lifted the hand of the 'Master' to the little fingertip shaped scanner beside a sealed off section of buttons, and pressed his finger to the glowing surface. The case clicked and opened, leaving all the buttons unprotected. A green button was labeled 'Emergency Escape Exit'. I smashed it, glancing at the screen on the console. I saw a few words before the vibrations started. 'Toby', 'Ryan', 'Phil', 'memory', 'incomplete'. I hadn't the slightest clue what any of it meant since I'd only seen a part of the puzzle, but I was already worried.

The vibrations grew so strong it felt like an earthquake, and I gripped the control panel. Dan tried to make his way over, but fell. I got up to go reach him, but suddenly there was a blinding light, and once again I passed out.

• • • • •

I could feel something warm on my arm, so I opened my eyes. I was at Bren's house, asleep in the guest room. My room. I'd moved in. I'd completed the whole move. I couldn't remember any of the packing or shipping, but here I was. All moved into my new place, my stuff lining the shelves and placed on the furniture.

Sitting up, I looked around, suspicious. Was this another game? No, my laptop was laying beside me.

"Morning, sugartits! I made waffles!" Bren called cheerily, leaning partially into my room while gripping the doorframe. I smiled halfheartedly, happy to see him but utterly confused. The whole thought that maybe I'd dreamed everything was emotionally exhausting.

"Thanks, I'll be down in a minute." I replied. He bobbed his head and jogged off. It was good to see him again.

I opened the laptop, first noticing the date was much further than I remembered. All of a sudden, it was just about a week till Vidcon. I rubbed my head, climbing to my feet. I'd just have to forget about it, not think about anything. Not Ryan, not Dan, not Pewds, not Toby. And definitely not Phil.

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