Ch. 26

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::Dan's POV::

After tiptoeing into the library and leaving a large pile of food for the other guys, Ryan and I snuck back down the hall and down the stairs. We stopped on the way to see if there were any signs of her touching the suit of armor in the hall on the upper floor, but there weren't.

Walking into the main hall, Cry looked a little wobbly. I looked at him, sort of concerned, but he waved a hand dismissively at my worried face.

"Maybe she went to get the scissors from the bear-limb-cutting room." Ryan offered, gesturing at the door of the room he spoke of. I smiled.

"Or maybe not, considering they're chained to the desk." He blinked hard at me.

"Oh, right." I patted his arm, the one that wasn't hurt, shuffling towards the front door.

"If we can get outside I'm sure we can find something, like a shovel or a lawn mower or gardening sh-"

"Shears! Shears. I forgot about the shears! There are shears in this game, ones that'd probably be able to be used as a weapon." He cut me off, remembering. I nodded.

"Alright, do you think she'd go after them?" He nodded vigorously, smiling.

"Yeah, in fact, I'm sure of it. She might be out there right now!" I clapped my hands together, flinging open the front door. Ryan scuttled after me.

"Let's go get that silly girl!"

::Delilah's POV::

"Where are we now?" I whined, following the cat as he trotted down another hidden hallway. We'd been walking for too long, and I was starting to get nervous.

"More than halfway there, I promise. I'd carry you if it were humanly possibly, but it's just not." I chuckled.

"Humanly... You're a cat..." I muttered, still laughing a little. He hissed.

"Only 'cause the goddamn witch made me into one." I frowned, feeling a little guilty. He held his tiny cat shoulders high.

"You were a person before?" He stopped and turned around, dropping onto his bottom.

"Damn straight." I squatted down to his level.

"What was your name?" He licked his paw, pausing awkwardly. I looked at him.

"I actually don't remember, I'm not even sure I was ever a human. It might be just programmed in backstory in my mind, I haven't a clue. But it sure feels real." He replied, turning away and starting to walk again. I wished I could hold him and pet him, but that didn't seem like it'd make him feel better, so I called one thing out to him and I picked up my pace to keep up.

"I'm sure it was."

::Cry's POV::

Me and Dan walked all the way around the house and didn't see a thing that'd help us. I was starting to lose hope that we'd be able to find her.

"Let's jus head back inside." Dan said, scratching his head.

"Okay." We wandered back into the house.

We spent time searching every nook and cranny we could find of the lower floor, and nothing seemed to be working. As we walked back into the main hall again, a voice echoed through the room.

"Delilah doesn't need you boys anymore, she's off by herself for a reason. Don't expect to ever see her again, because as soon as she solves the final puzzle I'll be wiping all your brains. You won't remember a thing, even if you do get home. It's gonna be terribly fun to see her face as she looks at you and you look back with no sign of recognition. Ha, it'll drive her right into my arms for comfort. Have a nice day, guys!"

I turned to Dan, eyes wide. We both knew that that had to have been the Master. Dan furrowed his brows.

"We need to hurry, I don't wanna forget about Delilah. Even if she gets to that 'Master' guy and stops him, we won't remember her when we get back to real life. We have to tell her and figure out a new plan!" He rushed out his words, looking like he was on the verge of a breakdown.

"Then we have to find somewhere that she might've gone, somewhere that we alone wouldn't know where to go." I told him, thinking. He grabbed my wrist.

"The fireplace the zombie came out of! I know you said it led somewhere in the actual game, but maybe it leads somewhere different in this version." He exclaimed. I grabbed the sides of his head.

"Dan Howell, you are a fucking genius!"

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