Ch. 8

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::Return to Delilah's POV::

My heart was pounding in my chest as we ran, sounding about as loud as thunder. I'd only just been found, and here we were running again.

I didn't like it, not a bit, that the stupid bro had to come bursting in on a moment that had been so perfect. I picked up a rock and chucked it at the bro as we skidded around another turn.

Usually, when playing Amnesia at home, bros give up the chase after a while. Well, the one on our tails was refusing to be shaken. I was running out of oil in my lamp, and wouldn't be able to refill it while being stalked by a bloodthirsty monster.

My lantern flickered, then went out entirely. I gasped. I could feel my sanity slipping away. I tried to focus on the boys lights, glowing just ahead, but my vision was blurring. My vision was blurring, my hands were shaking, and my breathing was off. I kept running, though, refusing to be so easily frightened.

Just as I felt myself about to collapse because of low sanity, I was yanked into a brightly lit room.

My sanity leveled again, and I felt my breathing return to normal. My vision cleared, hands steadied, and I just felt calmer.

I was in a room with a beautiful Parisian rug, a large fireplace with a roaring blaze, several couches and chairs, a desk, a closet, and many candles.

I looked everywhere, but the boys were nowhere in sight. Confused, I furrowed my brows. The door I'd been yanked through was closed, slammed behind me as I was pulled into the room. I walked over and tugged at the knob, just to see. The hinges squeaked, but the door remained shut tight.

It was locked.

I picked up a wooden chair and chucked it at the door. It bounced off, barely making a scratch.

"Shit-fuck..." I muttered, wondering if the boys were okay. I had reunited with them only to be separated again. I felt my forehead crease, and I shut my eyes. Everything just sucked.

Across the room, over by the desk, I heard a noise that sounded like paper rustling. I spun around, my hair whipping me in the face as I did, and saw a note. It was written on faded yellow velum, and looked prehistorically old.

I walked over, my footsteps sounding quiet on the plush carpet, and ran my fingers over the letter's edge. It was rough, the paper thick, and I guessed it to be handmade. A chill ran down my spine, and I desperately wished I had Dan's hoodie to wrap around myself.

Somehow I knew, though, that a hoodie wouldn't stop the goosebumps from spreading out across my skin.

I unfolded the velum, careful not to rip it, and read.


You are alone now, I know, and I have a few words for you. I sense that someone in your group of new little 'friends' has feelings for you. I don't approve of this. I'm going to ask you, in a way I think is quite nicely, to stop this frivolous behavior. Do not encourage distraction and romance, for it is forbidden. You are here to solve my puzzle, that is your main focus. If you show signs of good behavior, I will reward you. If not, well, you'll see what kind of power I wield, it's strength, and the darker side of me. All I want is for you to do as I ask, avoid straying from the mission, and stay alert. This is fair, yes?

Your Current Host,

The Master

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