Ch. 7

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::Ryan's POV::

All if us were screaming at Jennifer at once, but she just cackled and ran off into the gloom. Piggy ran after her, screaming her name. Stephano shook his head and sighed.

Everyone continued to yell. I couldn't even hear myself think, and it was cool and damp there.

"EVERYBODY, SHUT UP!" Screamed Dan, shaking his fists in the air.

"We need to come up with a plan to rescue Delilah! She could die!" I added, staring everyone down.

"Or already be dead." Toby muttered, glancing at the floor. I shot him a look. He shrugged.

"There's a room with a crowbar that we could use to get through the rocks, but it's quite a ways back." Stephano announced.

We all agreed to go, and set off. The corridors were eerily empty, and we got to the room in no time. We grabbed the crowbar, which layed on a desk, and then practically ran back to the rock pile.

::Phil's POV::

Yeah, I hardly knew her. Maybe we'd only just met yesterday. But I was completely terrified that she might be dead.

I could read similar thoughts on everyone else's faces, too. Except for Ryan's. But I assumed he felt the same.

Toby was standing before the avalanche site, prying at the rubble with the crowbar. He ended up getting a few medium sized rocks out, before dropping the crowbar and wiping sweat from his forehead.

Ryan walked over and looked at the hole that Toby had dug out. He shoved at the rocks nearby, and the whole pile collapsed. We all cheered.

We saw a door, and made our way through it. A closet sat across the room, as did a desk and a few bookshelves.

"I'm gonna check the closet for Ladnanadanadanum." Pewdiepie said, crossing the room. He pulled the doors of the closet open.

"Oh God!" We all ran over. Delilah lay motionless on the floor of the closet.

"She's dead!" Pewdie cried, falling to his knees.

Her eyes flew open, and she yawned. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm not dead, Felix." Delilah said sleepily, rolling her eyes.

"ZOMBIE!" Felix screamed. Delilah laughed.

"Oh, yes. Buuuhhhh, uuuuhhh, muuuhhhh, nuhhhh." She ambled over to Toby and bit his shoulder.

Toby pulled her into a side-hug, and we all swarmed her. Even idiotic Pewdie.

"She ain't no ZAMBIE!" Toby announced. We all hugged Delilah, blubbering about how we thought she was dead. We were really relived she was alive. All of us.

All of a sudden the door flew off it's hinges and crashed to the floor, revealing a blood soaked bro.

"RUN!" Ordered Ryan. We did.

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