Chapter 19

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Thank you to Hanaki_Nisa for helping me out!

Dakota and I were sitting in an comfortable silence scrolling though our phones and occasionally showing each other things and maybe gaining a smirk or a chuckle from the other, at that point it was starting to get dark and Deceit had just checked on us. "When do you think Michael will wake up?" Dakota asked quietly, I shrugged "Soon hopefully, I'm worried about him." Dakota shifted uncomfortably "This is all my fault.." My head shot to the side to look at him "Where the heck did you get that idea?" He stared at the bed with his hands wringing his shirt. "If I hadn't said those things to you the day William arrived I wouldn't have jinxed you." I took in his appearance, before you could barely tell he was Depression but now it showed everywhere. " was going to happen anyways. You didn't jinx me at all!" Dakota smiled faintly but didn't seem to believe me "If this didn't happen we wouldn't be close like we used to. In short, I think this was a great thing." Dakota nodded "You're right Virgil." We returned to sitting in silence until we heard shuffling on the bed behind us and we turned around "Terrence?" He said weakly, he sat up slowly and looked around "Where are we?" I smiled "We're in Deceit's room." Michael nodded "How did we get here? Why does my body hurt? What happened to your nose?" I subconsciously touched my nose then I sighed "You don't you?" He tilted his head, confusion written on his face "Remember what?" I shook my head "It's nothing. I'll tell you later." Dakota cleared his throat and I turned 'We have to tell him Virgil.' I looked away 'I will eventually. It's not a good time right now, especially if he's healing.' Dakota shrugged 'If you think that will work.' I smiled and then turned towards him.

Michael stared at us for a moment then he chuckled startling both of us from our mini staring contest "Now, how are you feeling?" I said standing up and moving to sit on the bed next to him. He shrugged "I feel like I was hit by a truck then by a bus one after other." I nodded "I'm sorry Mikey..I should've been more cautious." Mike shook his head "Whatever happened didn't happen because of you. Nothing could've stopped this." I sighed "I could've stopped one major part though. If I kept my emotions in check then maybe Paranoia wouldn't be free." Dakota sat down next to Mike on the other side of the bed "That's not your fault either. You were just very stressed." I shrugged "I've been very stressed before, maybe even more stressed than now. So what changed?" Dakota lowered his head and looked at his hands "Remember a few days ago when I told you to tell me what was wrong?" He paused "I think you should tell me now and maybe we can clear most of this up." I sighed "My parents stuffed me into a pile of wires named Yenndo." Dakota's eyes widened and Mike turned his head to look at me "What?" I gave a hum in response "I'm not in pain anymore. But that could be one of the reasons Paranoia escaped."

"I knew I heard my name somewhere!"

Virgil AftonWhere stories live. Discover now