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Hello! I would like to say that it's almost been a year since I started this story, I want to do something special since this story has been my most successful here on Wattpad.

Now, since I have no clue what to do: I'm leaving this to you guys!

You can choose the very special thing, we can vote if it comes down to it (which it most likely will not.). Or you can have the choice of me figuring out what to do and you guys voting. Just tell me in the comments.

I'm also going to say that I am still looking for people to draw Melani, Phoenix, Dakota, and Kai. If you want a description of what I think the characters will look like than you can discord message me. If you don't have discord you can just message me on here. If you don't want a description than draw to your hearts content. If you do draw them you can send me a picture of the finished product on discord:


(My server:

I'm sorry that updates have been really slow. I have been a bit busy lately, a lot of things has been happening to/around me. I have been trying to get to updating this but it's been hard. Mostly because after being on hiatus for so long I feel like I just don't know any of the characters anymore. I've been thinking about doing major editing and stuff to make this longer than it already is. That way, I can try to make it more entertaining without ruining the characters or the story line too much like I could with a rewrite.

Alright, and with that I am going to say thank you so much for all of the reads and votes! Thank you for leaving comments it means the world to me! I honestly did not expect this story to blow up as much as it did. And, we're almost at 20k..I think. I think it might be closer to 19.5k but even then that's a big deal! I'm not sure if anyone has followed me because of this story but if you have, thank you very much!

Again, be thinking of things for that special chapter(?) (It could be something else), I'm thinking about writing it during October so send your ideas before October 1st (You can send me things from now to September 30th at 11:59pm (In the US. I'm not sure what the times would be for anywhere else. Sorry..)

Good luck out there guy's, gal's, and non-binary pals! I love y'all!


Virgil AftonWhere stories live. Discover now