Chapter 28

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"Oh, of course! You wouldn't have known that, right?" Clara laughed before stepping towards me "And that smart one is in Patton's room now." I tried to remain calm, I shouldn't be worried. Logan and Dakota are fine. They're both pretty strong, believe it or not. You wouldn't think so with them being the logical side and my depression. 

Clara sighed as she stepped even closer "You don't seem the least bit worried. What about that boyfriend of yours?" My face flushed a deep red "B-boyfriend?! I don't have one!" Clara shrugged "Whatever that depressing guy is to you, he's going to go down just like the rest of you." I shook my head "How do you know?" Clara turned away from me and sighed again "It's none of your concern. I'll let you go this time. But keep in mind.." She walked to the chair and sat down again "We're always watching." 

The anxiety I was feeling became even greater when she said that. Emile was in the room when Logan and I were creating a plan and as far as they know, we know where they're holding Deceit. If Deceit get's hurt because of me..I'll never forgive myself. 

I opened the door and ran out into the hallway, I didn't care if someone was there. I just had to make sure that Dakota and Logan were okay. I ran all the way to Patton's room and I slammed open the door "Virgil! Good God!" Dakota was sitting on Patton's bed and Logan was sitting in a decorative chair that was placed in the corner. "You're going to let them know we're here! Get in here!" I walked into the room and shut the door behind me, I almost didn't want to tell them all that Clara told me but it was vital information.

"They already know we're here." Logan pushed his glasses up with a sigh "I figured as much. It took me a bit to realize that my closet door had been open." I nodded "Emile was there the whole time. They also know that Dakota is here." Dakota raised an eyebrow "But I never ran into anyone." Logan stood up and stretched, he must be tired. "Emile must still be following us. We need to be careful. I already checked the room when we got here and I found no traces of him." Dakota looked surprised "So that's what you were doing?" Logan nodded and walked towards the door and locked it "We need to get out of here and regroup." I stated as he walked back to the chair "We still haven't found Kai! I'm not leaving here until then!" 

"Virgil, did you get a good look at the room?" (Woah Logan's ignoring now?) I shook my head "No, I had a run-in with Clara." Dakota scooted over on the bed. "And she let you go?" I nodded "I thought it was odd but I didn't think too much of it." Logan huffed "You need to be more careful next time Virgil. It could've been much worse than that." I nodded "I know, but she was acting strangely nice? I wasn't just going to stay there and question her any longer. Plus I was worried about you guys." 

"Isn't that nice?" 

The voice startled all three of us and Dakota and Logan stood up from their places "Look at you being all nice Virgie!" The voice sounded like it was in my ear! I whipped around to see Paranoia staring back at me with a smirk "Found you!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him, I tried fighting back but he was much stronger than me. What the hell happened there? I was so focused on freeing my arm that I didn't see Paranoia recoil. He let go of my arm and I fell backwards in a heap, Dakota helped me up in a hurry "C'mon! Run!" Logan had already unlocked the door and was standing there very calmly. Thanks for being concerned Logan. 

Dakota and I ran for the door and soon we were all running down the hall towards the kitchen, we heard more footsteps behind us so I can only assume that Paranoia sent his lackeys. "Get back here!" That honestly only made me run faster. I wouldn't go to Princey even if I was about to die. Which I am. Wait..I keep doing this, I am already dead. How do I keep forgetting that?

We ran into the kitchen and Logan opened the basement door in a hurry, we all started down the stairs when SOMEONE lost his footing and fell. Causing everyone else to fall down the stairs too. It was me. I was that someone. "Dang it Virgil!" Dakota yelled when we landed. Logan looked very disappointed in me. I mean, it's  not like knew that I was going to fall. I don't like running in general. I would much rather someone carry me then run! 

"There they are!" 

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