Chapter 22

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There was a short bit of silence, Mike and I were starting to get uncomfortable. "Give me my son's." Clara's voice rang through the room "I'm sorry Mrs. Afton. I have no idea what you're talking about." It was a good thing that Logan was used to not giving away a hint of his emotions. If it had been Roman or Dad we would be screwed. "I know they are in here!" Her voice was raised a bit "They're not in here Ma'am." Clara was seething at this point. She looked beyond mad, she grabbed Logan by the tie "I know they're in here! I saw them come in here!" Logan gently pushed her off of him and fixed his tie "I assure you that they're not in here." Clara yelled out in frustration and stomped down the hall back towards William's room. Logan closed the door and sighed "I think it's safe to come out." I crawled out from underneath the bed and then carefully dragged Mike out as well. 

"What now?" Mike said softly, not wanting to speak louder just in case Clara came back. Logan locked the door with a click and turned around "We can get you to Thomas. That's our best bet right now." I shook my head "No. I'm not leaving without Dakota." Logan sighed "Look, I'm sure he's already there." I ran my hand through my hair "But what if he's not!" Logan grabbed my wrist "Calm down. Trust me, he's already there." I nodded and grabbed Mike's hand "This is gonna feel weird." I waved to Logan then sunk down in to the real world. Mike and I appeared in my usual spot on the stairs "Hey Virgil!" Thomas said with a smile, I smiled back. Thomas was on the couch and there seemed to be a figure laying next to him wrapped in a blanket "What's wrong buddy?" I stepped forward and dragged Mike with me "Who's that?" I tuned him out as I stepped closer to the figure and pulled the blanket down "Dakota!" Said person opened his eyes "I was wondering when you were gonna come.." 

Thomas stood up and gestured toward Mike "Who is this? Is he a new side?" I shook my head "This is going to sound weird but, this is my brother Micheal." Thomas raised an eyebrow "Like blood relative?" I nodded. I studied him for a second, noticing there wasn't really any changes with him since Paranoia arrived. "Are you feeling okay Thomas?" He nodded "I'm actually feeling better than usual. Although, my anxiety spiked a few days ago and it's been like that ever since. Are you feeling okay Virge?" I nodded again. "Great with that aside, let's talk about what happened." I turned towards Dakota, he was sitting up now and he was clutching his right side "Not now." Dakota huffed "Thomas needs to know." I turned back towards Thomas, weighing my options. Eventually I came up with nothing and decided to follow Dakota's lead "Okay, what do we tell him?" 

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