Chapter 5

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She turned towards me "You! Why are you still here? Your father and I left you for dead a long time ago!" I nodded "I am dead. So are you." She seemed shocked for a second "How do you know that freak?" I scoffed "It was on the news. And to believe I actually cried over my own Mother's death. Just to be treated like this 40 years later." Clara rolled her eyes "Like you were worried about me." I nodded "You're right, I wasn't. I was just trying to get rid of your ego." Clara fumed "Lead me away from this room immediately!" She screamed. "As you wish." I walked out of my room not bothering to look back and see if she was following me. "Are you okay kiddo?" Patton said running up to me with Logan, Chris, and Roman on his tail "I'm fine Dad. Just some parent trouble. Speaking of parent this is my Mother, Clara Afton." Clara waved innocently like she never did anything bad in her life. "I'm Patton! Welcome to the mind scape!" Clara smiled "Thank you!" William walked down the hallway a moment later but stopped when he saw Clara. "William." She said squinting her eyes "Clara. Nice to see you again. Might we talk elsewhere?" Clara nodded and they both went to Williams room. I sighed "I how they don't stay here long." I looked down at Chris "Where's Fredbear?" Chris smiled "He and Nightmare are with Michael." I raised an eyebrow "Nightmare? Who's that Chris?" Chris shifted uncomfortably "You're not gonna believe me, just like Michael didn't." I kneeled down to where I was eye level with him "I promise I won't laugh at you like Michael did." Chris nodded "He's one of my Nightmares. They all show up at 12:00 and they leave at 6. I haven't slept in years because of it.." I nodded thinking the current situation over. "Tell you what, I'll keep an eye out for your Nightmares and you can sleep. Sound good?" Chris nodded enthusiastically "Okay. Now I want you to go play with Patton and Mommy will come see you later okay?" Chris shook his head "I don't want to see Mommy! She hurt you Terrence!" I smiled "I'm fine now." Chris ran off and Patton walked after him "Okay Panic at the Everywhere. You need to give us information about your family, now." I rolled my eyes "I haven't slept in forever. Can I take a nap first before I deal with my parents and back stories and stuff?" Logan nodded and Roman groaned all prince like "Fine. But when you wake up.." He paused "I don't have enough creativity for this! And I am creativity!" I sighed "See you guys later." Logan waved a bit. That's definitely not his thing. I raised an eyebrow then turned, walking back to my room. I was immediately met with a comfy bed fit for my needs and jumped on it closing my eyes and...

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