Chapter 1

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Good Morning! Well it's morning in the mindscape. I'm unsure what time it is while you're reading this, if that's the case then Good Afternoon or Good Evening! Yes, I do seem cheerful this morning. I've been cooking up ways to tell the story, I could tell it bluntly or I could give it a little..pizzazz. Mm, I'm not sure right now. So, let's jump in:

It was a morning like no other, well actually it was pretty normal. The creativity twins were busy trashi- I mean making breakfast, Patton was sleeping late. Which wasn't normal. Logan normally did morning reading before coming down for breakfast, Remy was normally at Starbucks, Kai and Dakota share a room and they sleep late, Phoenix was at the park with Melani, and I. I was trying to sleep because I had gotten zero sleep the night before, Dakota sometimes accidentally speaks to me while he's sleeping. He uses telepathy for this stuff. He doesn't say anything mean, he just talks about random things. Of course he can hear me no matter where he is, he can hear the things around me as well. "Dakota, wake up!" I whisper-yelled. 'Kai..stop..' I sighed as the events of the night before ran through my head. "Virgil! Breakfast is ready!" Phoenix yelled up the stairs, I groaned and rolled over and sat up rubbing my eyes.

I ran my fingers through my hair then got out of bed, I picked my sweatshirt up off the floor and put it on. I ran my finger along the intricate pattern of my jacket, we had all gotten new outfits for Thomas. I walked downstairs and was met with Remus and Deceit making out "Ugh, get a room." Remus smirked "Gladly!" I gagged and covered my mouth, I continued walking into the kitchen. "Morning Kiddo!" Patton said with a smile "Good morning Dad." I walked to the cupboard and grabbed a cup, I walked to the sink and filled it with water 'No one likes you!' I rolled my eyes 'Thank you Dakota.' I turned and looked at the table to see Dakota creepily staring at me 'Why don't you just die?' I sighed 'Can't kill what's already dead..' Choking sounds erupted from the table "WHAT?" Dakota said staring directly at me. Oh that's right. They don't know that. "What are you screaming about Dakota?" Phoenix said looking around, I tried everything in my power to get Dakota to shut up but does he listen? Nope. 

"Virgil said he's dead!" Patton's eyebrows drooped in concern "But he's still here with us Kiddo." Dakota sighed "You're right, that sounds off." I sighed in relief, thankfully no one heard. "Come join us!" Emile smiled brightly "I'll pass, thanks Emile." I turned and walked into the living room. I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone to scroll through Tumblr, before I even got the app open a knock sounded on the door "I'll get it!" I yelled into the kitchen "Alright Kiddo!" I got off the couch and walked towards the door, I tried to make myself look presentable because you never know. I opened the door to be met with a familiar face:


Almost there.

*Dramatic intake of breath*


Virgil AftonWhere stories live. Discover now