Chapter 3

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I froze "It's j-just my family history.." Dakota sighed "Virgil, I'm not going to judge you." I raised an eyebrow "Oh because I believed that before?" I mumbled sarcastically, Dakota grabbed my shoulders shaking me slightly "I'm serious! You just poured your heart out to Deceit and he ran away instead of listening further." I stared into his eyes "Y-you're serious?" He nodded "Now, is there something that's bothering you? Or you could tell me more about your family." I rubbed my arm slightly "I miss my siblings. I don't even know where Micheal is or even if he's alive. And you heard about my other siblings." Dakota sighed and pulled me into a hug "I'm sorry Virgil." He held me for a moment before he pulled away "Anything else you wanna tell me about?" I hesitated for a second "After Chris died my dad started abusing me and Micheal. It was my fault Elizabeth died and it was Micheal's fault Chris died. He went further and started murdering kids. Six to be exact. Maybe more. Nobody knows."

Dakota's face showed a sense of nervousness, I wouldn't blame him. I'm not sure how William would react around the others. Dakota was about to say something when Patton started squealing in the other room "You're so cute!!" Dakota and I looked at each other then left to the common's room. When I stepped in I saw William hugging somebody, William backed away a few seconds later and there was a face I hadn't seen in a while. "Terrence?" Tears welled up in my eyes 


Virgil AftonWhere stories live. Discover now