Chapter 20

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"I knew I heard my name somewhere!"

 I froze and turned towards the entrance of the maze and sure enough there was the king of delusions himself. "How did you get in here?" Dakota asked angrily. Paranoia was now standing adjacent to the bed sneering at us "It took a few hours but I managed to make it through by sensing Virgil's anxiety." My anxiety? Great. 'Virgil, get Mike and run through the maze. I'll take care of him!' I frowned but did as I was told 'You better be careful.' There was short laugh inside of my head 'I'm always careful.' I slid Mike onto my back when Paranoia wasn't looking 'Great now I really don't believe you.'

I ran through the maze, or well at least I tried to. I didn't realize how heavy Mike was until just now. I finally made it to Deceit's door and fumbled with the door knob before pulling it open, I ran through the hallway as fast as I could and ended up in the living room. There was no one in there, or so I thought. "Why are you running Emo Nightmare?" I stiffened and looked at the couch, of course it had to be Roman. "No reason." Roman stood "You're carrying Micheal on your back and you're running. It seems like you came from one of the rooms that are farther back. This can't be a 'no reason' situation." I blinked in shock "What are you? Logan? Get off my back Princey." Roman scoffed "I'm not on your back. Michael is." I rolled my eyes, of course he was going to say that. "What's going on here Kiddo's?" Great. To make matters worse. It's Dad. "Virgil randomly ran in here with Michael on his back. " Patton turned towards me "Could it be that you're running after your refrigerator?"

I wrinkled my nose a bit and sighed, Mike was become too heavy for me to carry. I had to put him down, but there was the lingering fear that I wouldn't be able to pick him up fast enough to run. There were two pairs of tiny footsteps in the hallway, a few seconds later Kai and Chris came running into the living room "Terrence!" I smiled "Hi Chris." Chris and Kai ran into the kitchen then we heard clattering "Dad!" Patton ran into the kitchen and just like it had all abruptly started it stopped. Roman and I were alone again. "So? Where's Dakota? I heard you guys were buddy buddy again." I raised an eyebrow. "Are making fun of us?" Roman shook his head "The tension between you guys was becoming too much for me!" He waved his arms around theatrically emphasizing his point. I sighed softly, of course us being depression and anxiety we can't help but give tension. It's just what we do. I turned and laid Mike on the couch as carefully as I could, he stared up at me and I doubled back "You were awake this entire time that I've been standing here?! Why didn't you tell me!" Mike grinned at me "I've mastered the art of being silent." I rolled my eyes for what seemed like the hundredth time that day and I sat down next to him. My thoughts took over as I sat there listening to Roman and Mike yelled about the things that didn't make sense or wasn't right in the movie that they were watching. I also had to listen to Roman try to sing let it go.

It was a good thing that Paranoia and Dakota couldn't merge together. It would be absolute hell if they did. What side would they even be then? "Virgil?" I turned and looked at Mike "What is it?" Mike shifted and he sighed "Well, we've gone like two movie's and we still haven't seen Dakota or that other side." Roman suddenly found interest in the conversation "What other side?" I glared at Mike to stop talking but he wasn't looking at me "That one side that's after Virgil." Roman scoffed "A side after Virgil? I feel like that's unlikely unless it's.." Romans eyes widened and he looked at me "He's back and you didn't tell us?!"

Stuff I wrote originally that just sounds funny to me:
-I suddenly believe in myself and trust my friends. Dakota gets cool spiky hair and Michael is floating? (Originally in the beginning of paragraph 1)

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