Chapter 25

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I whipped around and was prepared to fight whoever it was when a familiar blue tie came into my view "Ugh, Logan! You scared me!" Logan didn't respond instead he shushed me. I was a bit loud but was that necessary? Logan fixed his tie before ushering me somewhere, this was unlike him. He didn't even say anything to me at all! And this guy never stops talking. I hesitated for a moment, what if he got turned as well? Deciding that I didn't have anything to lose, I followed him. 

Logan took me back down the main hall and into his room and honestly, his room didn't look any different from when I was in their earlier. He made me enter first before shutting the door behind him, his face seemed more serious than usual. "I overheard Patton talking about Deceit." I nodded with a saddened face "I found him, he's in the basement. But Remy and William were in there so I couldn't do anything." Logan stared at me blankly, sometimes it's really hard to figure out what he's thinking. I mean he's basically an emotionless robot. 

"So it's just you and I." Logan said as he fixed his tie again, he seems more fidgety than usual. He took a deep breath before turning away and messing with a whiteboard that had magically appeared "Virgil, we're going to have to come up with a plan. We were unable to do so before." I sat down on Logan's bed and nodded, this wasn't going to be simple..unless. "You guys came up with a really good idea earlier. The one where we lock him in the forgotten memories room." Logan nodded "Yes but if we did that then all recollection of you being a dark side would be forgotten and who knows what that could mean for the mindscape. It could ultimately lead back to the light sides and the dark sides hating each other. And you said it yourself Virgil, it won't be that easy." I raised my eyebrow "You weren't even there. How would you know what I said?" Logan pushed his glasses up and sighed "Deceit and I are closer than you think." Of course that would end up being the case. 

"With that aside, it isn't a good idea. Locking him in forgotten memories would only be a temporary fix. If he somehow manages to escape he would come back to wreak havoc and once he figures out that we don't remember him, it's going to be much worse then what is going on here now." Logan had a point. If that happens then all of us could be destroyed not to mention what that's going to do to Thomas. If the only emotion Thomas had was Paranoia then he would definitely be admitted into a mental asylum. Paranoia isn't as paranoid in the mindscape but that's because he's like super bitter. But in the real world he'll just be a huge mess. That's why we have to avoid him going there at all costs. 

Logan turned back to the whiteboard and picked up a marker "So I searched the entire house and could only find one place that was guarded." Logan said as he drew the layout of the house, there were some rooms on there that I've never seen before. He circled a hallway that's on the other side of the house towards the extra rooms I had mentioned in the last chapter. "Roman, Phoenix, and Emile were patrolling the area but they would stop in front of the last door on the right at the end of the hall." Logan circled that part of the layout and turned to look at me. "So that's where he should be, right?" Logan shook his head "That's what they want us to believe. I had a hypothesis that he's actually over here." He stated as he circled the room right across from my room. "What? William's room?" 

Logan nodded "It was the only door that was closed." How did I overlook that before? It makes total sense! "But why keep Deceit in the basement then?" Logan looked at the layout before sighing "I'm not sure. It's probably part of a bigger plan and you weren't supposed to find him, that's the only reason that makes sense to me." 

I stood up from the bed and fixed my jacket "So what do we do?" Logan once more turned back to the whiteboard and drew a line from William's room to the place where I originally thought Paranoia was "Patton mostly stays near the decoy room leaving Phoenix, Emile and Roman to patrol the rest, though I'm sure that they also patrol further past Mr. Afton's room and into the kitchen." I nodded "I saw Roman and Phoenix when I went into my room earlier." Logan poofed his whiteboard away and once again fixed his tie "Have you found any of the kids?" 

"I found Melani but none of the others." Logan nodded "Then the rest of the kids are being held somewhere. They could only be in one of the three places." Logan made his way towards the door "I'll try to make it in to the decoy room. You check Mr. Aftons room." I nodded and made my way towards the door as well "What do we do if we find nothing?" Logan was silent for a moment before responding "Then we wait for the other in here, we'll both check the basement together." I shook my head "Not to sound smarter than you Logan, but I think we should meet up somewhere else. They probably already know that we were in here." Logan seemed astonished for a second and then nodded "You're right, we'll meet up in Patton's room then." 

Patton's room was the one closest to the living room so it's perfect, it'll just be hard to slip in. That is, if what Logan said was right and Phoenix, Emile, and Roman are patrolling towards the kitchen too. And not to mention I have no idea where William went. 

But when I saw Roman and Phoenix earlier, where was Emile? Choosing to ignore it I turned towards the side next to me and gave him a slight smile

"Okay. Good luck then, Logan." 


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