Chapter 27

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"Dakota what the heck are you doing here?!" I whisper-shouted at him, "I was healed up enough so I came. Mike and Melani are fine. Have you found my brother yet?" I shook my head "Unfortunately no. But Logan and I have a pretty good idea where he could be." Dakota nodded and looked around before turning to look at William's room "Is he here?" I shrugged "He could be here, or where Logan is." 

Dakota opened his mouth to speak but before he could, someone grabbed his shoulder. Dakota jumped and almost screamed and I couldn't see who it was from my angle. "Dang it! Logan you scared me!" Sure enough the logical side was standing there fiddling with his tie again "Apologies, Dakota." 

What is it with Logan and scaring people? 

"Did you find anything, Logan?" Said side shook his head "The decoy room was certainly a decoy." I turned to look at William's room "I'll be back. Take Dakota and meet you know where." Logan nodded and I turned the knob to the door. I waited until their footsteps faded before opening the door. The room was completely dark and not a sound was heard. I was anxious to walk in, Logan and Dakota were a lovely distraction but now..

I proceeded forward, the floor seemed creakier in here. 

"About time you showed up, Virgil!" I jumped at the sound of a voice, "Clara!" Sure enough there right in front of me sat the human that brought and took me out of this world. She was sitting in a chair at the edge of the bed. Give her a cat and she would look like a true villain. "What are you doing in here?" Clara smirked as she stood up "Waiting for you of course, you fell right into our trap. We definitely have to thank Dr. Picani for being so thoughtful and hiding in that smart one's room." 


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