Chapter 31

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"Rem-" The side in front of me put his hands over my mouth, silencing me. I was confused for a moment. What happened while I was asleep? How long was I asleep? 

Remus turned to look at the door before turning to look back at me and ushered me forward. I blinked in confusion but nodded. He stood up and turned towards the door and opened it. No warning. Why was he making me stay silent then? I stood up and dusted myself off, by the time I looked back up I caught a glance at Remus just as he went through the door. I followed after him, being quick but not where I would make a lot of noise. 

The dark side of creativity was quick. Where was he going that he had to be there in a hurry? 

My anxiety was raging but I had to control it, Paranoia finding us while we're vulnerable in this moment won't be good at all. The other side led me to the right hall, were we going into the room that Logan had mentioned earlier? 

Something doesn't feel right here.

"Where are Logan and Dakota?" I whispered completely ignoring the  fact that I was supposed to be silent so we didn't get caught. Remus didn't answer, and now I know that something isn't right. How did I not see it before? He's loud. And talks constantly. No matter where we are. I'm at least ninety-eight percent sure that this isn't Remus. Is this a trap? 

Remus(?) finally abruptly stopped and if I hadn't been glaring a hole into his back, I probably would've crashed into him. 

The other side turned and opened a door, I can only assume that this is the room that locks from the outside. He turned to look at me almost like he was waiting for me to step inside (Anyone else getting deja vu?), I wasn't going in there first! Remus rolled his eyes and walked inside. I stared in confusion, was this a trap or not? Was this the actual Remus? Did he actually  learn how to shut up?

I followed the other side into the room and he shut the door behind us. It was dark in there so I had to wait until my eyes focused to be able to see. "It's about time Virgil, what was taking you so long?" So I was just being paranoid. "Well if Remus shut up then the world must be ending!" A sigh sounded from the corner "Though it's out of the ordinary, we can only assume that his voice was taken somehow." 

Remus crossed his arms, it seems his theatrics won't be silenced. Logan pushed his glasses up and turned to a whiteboard that I guess was already there. I hadn't noticed it before. "Right, so this room is directly across from Remus' torture room. If we get the other sides in there then we'll be set to take down their controller." Logan pointed to the area he had circled earlier. Dakota ran his hands through his hair "That's cool and all but we still haven't decided on what we're going to do with him once we're done kicking the crap out of him." 

He had a point. We've kinda been putting it off. 

"That'll have to wait, we're running out of time." Logan stated as he turned to look at Remus who was waving his arms wildly "What is it?" Remus walked up to the whiteboard and pointed at his torture room. "I think he wants him  in there." Dakota placed his hand on the dark side of creativity's shoulder "Sorry but not this time." Remus dramatically slumped and walked towards the corner. The rest of us turned our attention back towards the whiteboard. 

"I guess our plan really can't get any better than this. When should we start?" I said with a shrug. "No better time then now." Dakota said with a grin. It was very unnerving if you asked me, it's rare to see him this excited. "Wait, who's doing what?" Logan nodded "Right, Virgil you are bait. Dakota you and I will be in the room waiting for them. Remus, you stick with Virgil in case something goes wrong." Dakota frowned "Why can't I go with Virgil?" Logan poofed away the whiteboard "Because you're still injured." Dakota shook his head "I'm fine! Let me go with Virgil!" Logan sighed "Fine. Remus you're with me. Everybody happy now?"

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