Chapter 4

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The other sides stared at me in shock "Terrence?" Remus asked, I sighed choosing to ignore them so I can have a peaceful moment. Chris ran up to me "I've been watching you Terrence, I want to know some things." I nodded then I looked up, William was glaring at me "Terrence Virgil Afton." I froze. He use to say my full name when he was beyond angry, I tried to run but my legs wouldn't move. "Chris, get away from him." Chris hid behind my leg "Why did you come back Mistake?!" The other sides became angered "Our Virgil isn't a mistake!" William sighed "Virgil, I want you to stay away from Chris." I shook my head "I haven't seen my brother in 40 years. I'm not going to ruin that moment." Shocked noises came from the other sides "40 years! You're not that old are you Stormcloud?" I shook my head "Of course not, in all technicality I'm still 17." The others looked at Deceit "He's lying (Talking in lies)." Patton smiled "So this is your family?" I nodded "This is my youngest brother Chris, and William's my father."

William made a tsk sound and turned towards the hallway "He's no son of mine." William walked to his room while we stood in silence, "Well. I'm going to go make cookies!" Patton's said turning towards the kitchen "Can I help!" Chris said jumping up and down. Patton smiled "Of course!" Chris ran towards Patton and they walked into the kitchen. "Now.." Roman said getting our attention "What aren't you telling us?" I rubbed my arm, sitting on the couch. "Fine. I'm sure Remus has heard of William Afton." The others looked at Remus with a questioning look, Remus nodded "Of course! I just didn't put two and two together." I nodded "So..mind explaining what's going on Hot Topic?" I sighed "Fine. My real name is Terrence Afton, I have two brothers and one sister. I'm the eldest child. Chris and my sister, Elizabeth, are the youngest while my twin brother Micheal and I are responsible for their deaths." I paused letting it sink in for a bit "So they're dead? Does that mean when you said you were dead.." I nodded "I was telling the truth." The others shifted uncomfortably "How did you die?" I tensed up "I.." I sighed "My mother, Clara, and William drugged me and locked me in a room. I was in there for months with no food or water. I died of starvation." Deceit stormed off down the hall followed by Remus and Dakota. I stood back up "I'll be in my room." I tried to walk as calmly as I could to my room. When I arrived there was a familiar face:

I'm going to do this again...

Try to guess who it is...

How's your day going?

Almost there...

Still here?


Virgil AftonWhere stories live. Discover now