Chapter 9

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To say that I'm fine is an understatement. I am in fact not fine. Clara and William won't stop bothering me and the other sides keep asking me if I'm okay. If I was okay I wouldn't A) Be limping around and B) Basically yelling at everybody except for Dad, Chris, and Liz. I mean, come on! If you were just stuffed inside a pile of wires, that wasn't Ennard, wouldn't you be grumpy too? I also didn't get up fast enough and Logan drank the rest of the coffee, so that helps too. I also have to babysit Kai, Melani, Chris, and Liz because the other sides decided to take William and Clara around the mind place and because I got up late I have to watch them. William will be extra p**sed off because I'm going to exist around his precious daughter. And to top all that off, if Michael appears tomorrow both of us are screwed. We will both probably never see the light of day again. This is all too stressful! Why did I have to be the living embodiment of anxiety? I already had a lot of anxiety to begin with! "Virgil!" I look up from my plate and notice the other sides are staring at me, I open my mouth but nothing comes out. "You've been staring at your plate for a while, are you okay?" Patton said tilting his head to the side in concern. I nodded "I'm fine Dad. I was just thinking.." The others exchanged glances "You were mumbling to yourself and you started shaking..are you sure that you're fine? Is it your family?" I looked around only to find that my family wasn't in the room, that's good. I sighed "You have to help me!" I pleaded in a whisper "If Micheal appears tomorrow..who know what will happen!" Dakota wrapped his arms around me, I guess hoping to calm me down. Then he started whispering in my ear "I want you to tell me the other half of the truth. Not here, but you will tell me. I know something else is wrong." I nodded slowly and he pulled away. Man, if I tell somebody. Williams going to have my head. The rest of lunch was eaten in silence, I got an occasional glance from Dakota who kept studying my face then would look away when he was satisfied. "Terrence." I tensed then I turned to look and was met with a face I hadn't seen in a long time "Mikey!"

Virgil AftonWhere stories live. Discover now