Chapter 17

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"So?" I said standing to face them, Remus shook his head "No use, it seems like he doesn't remember anything involving Paranoia." I nodded slightly "So, maybe Paranoia is controlling him somehow. Or he's just erasing his memories." Deceit stated while walking over to sit in the chair he was sitting in before. "It's possible." Dakota said walking over to stand by me "Okay, so what did you guys come up with Deceit?" Deceit sighed deeply "Logan and I tried to come up with a plan to lock Paranoia back up, but in the middle of it Patton came in with Phoenix." I crossed my arms over my chest "I don't think it's a good idea if we got Patton and Phoenix involved. On top of that they both can't keep their mouth shut so if Roman actually remembers everything he might tell Paranoia and if he tells Paranoia then he'll go after them for knowing he's back and-" "Virgil." I looked up, I didn't even realized that I was looking at the floor. "It's fine Virgil. They don't know. We told them we were..brotherly bonding.." I sighed softly then I nodded "Sorry, I'm just worried." Deceit smiled "Now, what we came up with was that we would lock him in the forgotten memories room. If we put him in there he would be forgotten by all of us. Problem solved" I raised my hand up "He won't go down that easily. I have a place in my memories for him. He got released when I became stressed out about my family being here and all." Deceit shook his head "We don't want you to panic about keeping him at bay. We should put him in the forgotten memories." Remus and Dakota nodded "We don't want you to do this alone Virgil. He hurt all of us." I sighed "I know more about what's he's capable of. I used to be him." Deceit shook his head again "Our answer is final Virgil." Dakota opened his mouth then we heard a knock on the door "I'll go get it." Dakota said walking away from me. We waited in silence then Dakota came back "It's Logan, he wants to come in." Deceit sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose "Tell him to close his eyes until you get into the main part of the room, sure he's my brother and all but it's still a secret." Dakota nodded and ran back through the maze. Another few minutes of silence later Logan and Dakota made it into the room "Salutations Deceit, Remus, and Virgil." He said in a monotone voice. We all gave separate responses then he continued "I have a better plan then the one we came up with Deceit."

Virgil AftonWhere stories live. Discover now