Chapter 12

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Hi, so I randomly started drawing all of the bunnies in FNAF. It started out with Bonnie then moved on to T. Bonnie. The most recent one is Springtrap. Even though it doesn't look like him..😅. Enjoy this chapter!


"Ennard? What are you doing here?" Ennard tilted his head "How do you know who I am?" Oh that's right, he doesn't know about me. "My father's William Afton. I remember looking at your blueprints.." Ennard landed on the floor next to me "Do you know how to fix me? I keep trying to ask Eggs and he says he doesn't know." I tilted my head in confusion "Eggs?" Ennard turned his head towards the door then back at me "Egg Benedict." And then just like that he went through the vent in the floor and was gone. I raised an eyebrow then I closed my eyes. When I woke up because I apparently fell asleep, there was a tugging feeling. I sunk down and appeared in my usual spot in Thomas' living room "Hi.." Princey said in a very soft tone. At this point, I was freaking out. I'm confused, Princey. The most loud and annoying side (Remus is second) in this mind scape is being quiet. "I-is something w-wrong?" I mentally facepalmed, 'Curse my stuttering..' Patton gave a small smile "Thomas has just been feeling a lot of anxiety lately.." I nodded "I'm sorry.." Thomas gave me a sad smile "The others filled me in on what's going on. Are you really dead Virge?" I nodded "As crazy as it sounds.." We stood in silence for a minute then Logan spoke up "Is something else wrong Virgil?" I nodded "So, I'm not supposed to mention this but I trust you guys with my entire being.." I paused in hesitation and looked at the ground "It's okay Kiddo, you don't have to tell us." I nodded "I'll tell you in time.." After that I sunk out. The mind scape was a complete mess! Deceit and Kai were running around with Chris and Liz while Melani was giggling watching them. Dakota was in the corner rocking back and forth which was kinda concerning to see. Remus was nowhere to be found and Micheal was in the kitchen. "Um..I don't know what I walked into.." Everyone stopped in their tracks "Virgil! I didn't think you would be back this early!" Kai said pushing Deceit as he walked to the couch. Everyone made their way to a seat in the commons room and sat down "Is this what you do when the Light sides are gone?" They all nodded except for my siblings, I laughed a little and sat down next to Micheal. We sat in silence until the Light sides came back "Hey kiddos!" Patton said before he walked into the kitchen "I'm going to make dinner!" We all gave separate appreciations then Princey stood beside me "Virgil, can I talk to you?" I nodded and we walked to his room. "What's going on? I see the way William looks at you and Micheal." I sighed softly, I was about to speak when something hit me on the back of my head and it went dark. 

Virgil AftonWhere stories live. Discover now