Chapter 18

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"No, I'm not going to let that happen. Paranoia is my problem. He has been for so many years." Logan sighed "Virgil, it's the only way." Deceit turned away from glaring at Dakota "I agree with Virgil, LoLo." Logan remained unfazed by Deceits nickname "It would be for the best. It's illogical to leave that plan behind." Dakota crossed his arms "It's not illogical, if a side gets hurt because of this plan we have to start at square one again." Logan pushed his glasses up further on his nose "Well then, you think of a better plan Dakota." Dakota seethed in anger "This is not the time for a fight you two!" I yelled scaring everyone in the room, except Logan, by my sudden outburst. Dakota made a hmph sound and turned away, Logan sighed "You're right Virgil." I smirked "As usual." I turned towards Remus who was being awfully quiet but quickly regretted it after I saw his wicked smile "I should have a say in this plan. And I say that we should think of another one. I agree with Dakota because he makes a valid argument about one of the sides getting hurt. We also have to worry about Michael since we don't know if he's dead or not." We all stared at him in shock since that was the smartest thing we've ever heard out of his mouth "As much as I'd hate to say this but you're right Remus." Logan said fiddling with his tie.

"Now what?" I said after a few minutes of silence, "I'll try to come up with a better plan before dinner." Logan said standing up "Deceit, could you escort me out of your room please?" Deceit nodded "I'll help you out with the plan while I'm at it." Then he turned towards me "Stay in here Virgil. We don't want Paranoia, or William, or Roman kidnapping you again." I nodded "I'll be fine Deceit." I got a smile in return then he looked at Remus "Make sure none of the others get suspicious about what were doing. And Dakota could you please stay with Virgil?" Casting a glance over to Dakota I saw him nod and then the other three were off.

I'm so sorry this took so long to get out. I was so unmotivated to write this chapter. I'm also apologize for how short it is. I had sudden inspiration, also I'm writing a Christmas one shots and it has a bit of Virgil Afton in it. Maybe a bit of backstory from before the light sides and dark sides started hating each other. You know, way back when? You can request anything Christmas related for me to write about just private message me. Also, I'd like to bring up the art contest. It ends in a few days. I also need help with prizes. If you have any ideas you can tell me. I'll give more information later on about it. Good luck out there, I love y'all!


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