Chapter 2

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The man blinked "I'm sorry, I don't know who you are." I opened my mouth to speak but the others came into the living room "Hi! I'm Patton! What's your name?" The man smiled and bowed a bit "My name is William. William Afton." I smiled "I'm..Anxiety." The others looked at me in surprise, now normally I would say my name because most everyone knows us because of Sanders Sides. I did tell them my name so why keep it a secret? William raised an eyebrow in confusion. Patton smiled "This is Dakota, Roman, Remus, Emile, Deceit, Logan, Kai, Melani, Remy, and Phoenix." The others each greeted him while I went and sat back on the couch "So, why is your friends name Anxiety?" I perked up a bit but relaxed "Oh, we each represent a part of a personality. Logan is Logic, Remus is the bad side of creativity, Roman is the good side, Deceit..well that's explanatory, I represent Morality, Remy is sleep, Phoenix is Pride, Melani is shyness, Dakota is Depression, and Kai is Misleading compliment. He's more of a sub-personality. We are all part of a man named Thomas Sanders!" 

William smiled "You guys are pretty interesting." Patton smiled "So what brings you here?" William sighed and bowed his head a little "I'm in search of my family. We were all separated due to..things. I've been up all night and I was wondering if I could stay here?" Patton nodded "Of course! Anxiety can show you to your room. Right Anxiety?" He turned to look at me and I nodded "Yes Dad." I got up from the couch and walked up the stairs "Follow me." William and I walked down the long hallway "So, you represent Anxiety?" He said, clearly trying to start a conversation "Yes." He nods "You know, you look like my son Terrence. He died a long time ago though." I sighed "I'm very sorry to hear that Mr. Afton.." William shook his head "William's fine." I smiled a bit then stopped "This will be your room. I'm right across from you so if you need me, I'm there." He nods "Thanks Anxiety." He disappeared into the room and shut the door behind him. I turned and trudged into my room. See, I know what you're thinking. If you're Terrance then why are you scared to use the name Virgil. Well I'll tell you. That was my middle name. Terrance Virgil Afton. 

Oh, I missed saying that. Deceit knocked on my door "You okay Virgil? You weren't acting like yourself." I groaned "Come in here Jan." He basically kicked my door down "Don't say that too loud!" I smiled "Close the door Deceit." He smiled "Thank you." He closed the door and appeared next to me "What's wrong buddy?" My smile slowly faded " my father." Deceits eyes widened a bit "What? Does he know your name then?" I nodded "My family used to call me  by my middle name, which is Virgil." Deceit nodded "What's your first name?" I hesitated a bit "My name is Terrence." Deceit smiled "I like that name, it suits you." I smiled "You think so?" He nodded. I sighed softly "Should I tell the others?" Deceit shrugged "I think you should tell them tomorrow. It looks like you didn't get any sleep." I nodded and leaned against the wall "I miss my family." Deceit looked at the ground "I'm really sorry. Logan and I miss our parents. I realize your siblings never came to visit." I nodded "My brother, Michael, accidentally killed my younger brother Chris. My little sister, Elizabeth got pulled into an animatronic named Circus Baby." Deceit froze "Your siblings are dead?" I nodded "..I am too.." Deceit back up a bit "What? You weren't kidding?" I shook my head "How did you die?" My eyes widened "I..I don't want to talk about it." Deceit nodded "I'm gonna go, bye Virgil." And then he basically ran out the door.

I never told him about my parents William and Clara Afton. William is a child murderer and he died by spring locks crushing him, I died shortly after him. I really didn't want to talk about it then, but I eventually did tell them about my death. Tears started forming in my eyes, I really was the outcast. I knew telling them about my past was going to end badly, I only told Deceit and look what happened. Sometimes I wonder why I was brought back. I was a mistake then, I'm obviously going to be a mistake now. 'You okay Virgil? I heard what happened.' Great, I forgot about Dakota. He obviously heard that too. 'Virgil? For once, I'm going to ask you to remain calm. I don't want to hurt you.' Dakota's being nice? 'Please come to my room.' I shrugged "Fine." I opened the door and stepped into the hall, my room was farther away from everyone elses rooms because I was a bad guy. Even Remus and Deceit are closer to the light sides then me. I started walking slowly to Dakota's room, when I reached it Dakota was standing in the doorway "Come inside, Kai is with Remy and Emile." I nodded and I shut the door behind me. Dakota sighed then turned towards me,

"What was that?"

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