Chapter 11

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Lunch was scary, I accidentally left it on too long so it burned a little bit. Chris was happy that I attempted cooking, Melani was her usual quiet self, Liz was laughing at me, and Kai was too busy stuffing his face to care. Fine..I made chicken nuggets and I burnt them. I can't cook, I never have been able to. I'm glad I didn't burn the kitchen down like I did last time. The other sides spent weeks after that fixing the kitchen up, and I was grounded from stepping anywhere near the kitchen. Which wasn't a problem, I spent most of it in my room. Like usual. 

Kai and Chris ran back into my room after lunch and Melani and Liz were watching Moana. Lucky for us, we have all of the disney movies because of Princey. I mean, I'm not gonna lie. I'm a disney fan as well, I like The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Black Cauldron, Snow White. I only like Snow White because older movies tend to be creepier. Just because of their drawing style and the voice quality. I hope that at least made a bit of sense. Logan and I were reading The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie. Logan's favorite book. It's actually really good, well at least..I think it was. I fell asleep while it was Logan's turn to read.

I walked into the living room after cleaning up the kitchen, it took a long time because it's Kai's week to clean the kitchen. He obviously doesn't do it. He always leave it to one of the other sides to clean up. He usually pays one of the twins or tries to convince Deceit. Which reminds me, my turn is next week. Sorry, back to the story. The rest of babysitting went fine with few casualties. The others came back at like 3:49. William and Clara were happy, I mean at least I think they were. They immediately went to their room along with Chris and Liz, Mike was still asleep at this point. I wasn't sure why at the time but it'll come up in the future. Kai and Melani we're back with their siblings leaving me alone again, leave it to the person with the most anxiety to take care of four kids. I walked back to my room and collapsed on my bed, I heard tapping on the ceiling and looked up only to be face to face with none other than the original pile of wires himself. Ennard. Or did Mangle come first..?

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