Chapter 15

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Dakota stared at me in shock "Paranoia?" He said barely above a whisper, I nodded slowly "I'm so sorry Virgil! He must've cut off our link because I couldn't hear you..I-I got scared and I went to look for you. William and Clara are at the store with Patton. I looked for you everywhere and couldn't find you. This was the only room that I didn't look in, beside the lost memories room." I smiled "Thank you for coming to find, we must hurry! Paranoia will be back soon!" Dakota nodded and untied my wrists then he untied Mike's. "Can you stand?" He asks worriedly, I nod and try to stand up. My legs were really numb from sitting in the chair for so long. Dakota slips Mike onto his back then helps me up "C'mon, we got to get you guys to Deceit's room." I nodded and followed behind him closely. Dakota knocked on Deceits door and Remus answered it "What do you need?" Remus stared at me then he sighed "Deceit is sleeping." Dakota nodded "We have to talk to him. He's back." Remus tensed then we heard footsteps coming from inside the room "Get in here before he finds you guys." Deceit said coming in to view behind Remus. They both disappeared into the room and we followed after. Deceit's room is like a maze. Only the dark sides know exactly how to get to the main part of the room, well the dark sides minus Phoenix and Paranoia. When we entered the main room Deceit pulled up a few chairs and offered the bed for Mike. After we all settled down in our chairs, except for me because I've been sitting for the past 3 days and some. "Now, Virgil. Where have you been for the last 3 days?"

Virgil AftonWhere stories live. Discover now