Thank you!!

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That my friends was the last chapter!  

It's been two years since this started and I started it because I rarely saw any stories about Virgil being an Afton. In the end it turned into not really being Afton related if you ask me, but I liked the idea of incorporating a bad guy that wasn't Purple Guy. I'm glad I continued to write this instead of just ending it at chapter twenty something and rewriting it. I know the ending feels a bit rushed but I really had no idea how to finish this (despite saying I did in an A/N. It was hard to put it into words). I wanted to be dramatic but I also just wanted to be done. 

There was a lot of things that I was going to write originally and I wanted to share some of the one's I thought about a lot with you: 

-Patton wasn't being manipulated but was just following with the crowd because he thought they were playing a game. 

-Logan and Dakota were supposed to be controlled as well and the final battle was supposed to just be Virgil but I ended up not using it.

-Dakota was actually suppose to fade (die?) during the final fight with Paranoia but the rest of his character development was just too good to pass up. And if I'm honest, I was going to put Virgil and Dakota together but I told myself that 1) No ships were going to be in here and I know you guys wanted Prinxiety (You got Dukeceit though), and 2) You guys probably wouldn't have liked me shipping an oc with a character. I know I don't like that when I read other things (Though there have been some good ones). That didn't stop me from letting them have their moments. I'm going to go cry in the corner and write something about them being together, if someone wants to join I've got blankets and pillows.

-Deceit (Controlled) and Logan were supposed to duke it out. Originally I had the thought of the other sides escaping containment and attacking alongside of Paranoia but decided against it because I barely know how to write a fight scene with only two characters. I think I did pretty well with this one even though it was so short. What do you think?

-Finally, Logan was supposed to be injured after they all fell down the basement stairs. I don't know why I wanted so much drama but I did. It is what it is. I mean I'm sure they all got injured anyway because holy crap. I imagined the stairs as the steep wooden ones that have spaces in between. Like this:

Except the stairs I imagined are old and battered looking, like worn out stairs

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Except the stairs I imagined are old and battered looking, like worn out stairs. Even though they rarely used the basement. Anyways, you get the idea. 

I also want to thank everyone that commented because that sh*t was fun to read. Especially the time trend that existed for a while there. I didn't really interact with the comments as much as I wanted to as the story got more popular and in all honesty I was too afraid to. I still see some comments that I could still respond to despite them being months/years old. Y'all are intimidating 😑

The importance of Ennard and Glitchtrap was supposed to be something much more but I didn't know how to incorporate them, especially since Micheal was with Thomas the rest of the time and William was off doing lord knows what. I feel like it would've been fun seeing the sides reactions to them. Although..extras are a possibility that I've been thinking about. 

Thank you Emberscorch for drawing Phoenix and Melani!

I was very happy with the results!

I was very happy with the results!

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As soon as I get the others I will put them on here as well!

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As soon as I get the others I will put them on here as well!

I also want to thank these people for being inspiration at different periods in time, you've helped me so much!



and behindyoubaka

I'm aware that there was other people that helped me out with this but I can't remember off the top of my head. If you're one of those people, thank you as well! 

I want to wrap this up so that this final note isn't too long so I'm going to end this with some news! 

I'm turning this into a series! 

Unfortunately Virgil Afton itself is completed but I'm going to continue it with the other sides!

I wanted to do the the backstories of the other sides starting with Logan, I've had the plan of what I've wanted his backstory to be for about a year now. For information or sneak peeks check out my discord server, the link is on my profile. I have no clue what to do with Roman and Patton so if you have suggestions I will gladly take them. I might also do Remy at some point. The only reason I'm not doing Deceit, Remus, and Emile is because they're included in the package deal of the other sides. That sounded funnier in my head. I promise I'm funny irl.


The next story will appear sometime soon so keep an eye out for that if you're interested!

With that said:

Thank you so so much for reading Virgil Afton!!


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