Chapter 16

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I crossed my arms in front of my chest and looked at the floor "I don't want to talk about that right now. What we should talk about is Paranoia." Dakota nodded looking from me to Deceit "I agree with Virgil." Deceit nodded then looked at Remus "So, with Paranoia back that could cause major problems for Virgil. If he fuses back with you.." I nodded "I'm aware about what could happen. Me being anxiety and all I never stop thinking about the out come." There was an uncomfortable silence then Remus spoke up "Virgil should stay in here while we try to find Paranoia. Knowing him, he's going to stay in one place, isolating himself." Deceit thought for a second "We'd have to get past William and Roman." Dakota said looking at Mike "Wait, Roman is in on this?" Remus said in disbelief "It's possible that Roman is working for Paranoia. On the other hand, he might have been forced." Silence fell down again then I sighed "Why would William bring him back? I put him away for a reason. He was too unstable. Always caused trouble to me and Thomas." My eyes widened in realization "Someone has to check on Thomas. Who knows what Paranoia is doing to him." Dakota stood up "I'll do it. I have a long overdue visit anyways." Deceit nodded "Alright Dakota, you keep Thomas distracted. Try not to mention Paranoia. Acknowledge how he's acting too. That could help." Dakota nodded "Got it, I'll be back later." He gave a thumbs up then sunk down. I turned to Remus "Since you're the closest to Roman, you should try to get answers out of him. Deceit and I will talk with Logan about what we should do." Remus nodded and left through the maze. I turned to Deceit and sighed "Right, so do you wanna bring Logan here or should we go find him?" Deceit shook his head "I'll go see Logan. I don't want you leaving my room, and bringing Logan here could cause someone to be suspicious." I nodded hesitantly "I want to help though, Paranoia was my problem in the first place." Deceit smiled "And now he's our problem." I smiled back then turned to face the bed "Okay, so what should I do?" Deceit thought for a minute "Um, if someone comes in here that isn't one of us, take Mike and go to the real world. Staying with Thomas might be a little more dangerous but Paranoia can't leave the mindscape unless you fuse with him." I nodded "Alright, I'll be back." Then he turned and entered the maze. I sighed and sat down on the bed. Luckily Deceit had a charger that fit my phone so I scrolled through Tumblr until at the same time all three of them came back.

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