Chapter 21

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"Maybe I wasn't prepared to tell anyone yet!" Roman groaned "This is a thing that you should tell us Virgil!" Mike looked to each of us clearly confused on why we were fighting. "What's going on out here?" Both Roman and I jumped, I looked in the doorway of the kitchen and saw Patton with Kai and Chris who were both eating cookies. "Kai, Chris please go in the other room." He said with a serious tone. The two nodded and ran into Kai and Dakota's room. "What are you two arguing about?" I stiffened slightly "It's nothing dad." My eyes widened in shock and I turned towards Roman "It was just a simple misunderstanding." Patton looked between the two of us then smiled "Okay Kiddo's!" He turned and entered the hallway. We both waited until we didn't hear his footsteps "Don't think you're off the hook Panic at the everywhere." I stood up and grabbed Mikes hand "Look, let me and the dark sides handle it." Roman shot off the couch and was about to protest but I turned away basically dragging Mike behind me.

We entered the hallway and I made a beeline to Logan's room, hopefully he was still awake. I stopped in front of his room and looked at Mike, he held a pained expression. "Sorry for pulling you." Mike shook his head "I've been through worse." I tilted my head a little before looking away and knocking on Logan's door. "Just a second!" There were footsteps on the other side of the door and the sound of stuff falling before the door opened "Oh, hello Virgil." He stepped aside and let us enter the room. Logan's room was plain and simple. Not really much to it. There was a bed, a desk, and a bookshelf. The entire color theme was black and dark blue, and there was a TV in one corner of the room with disney movies everywhere around it. There was stuff strewn about on the floor but the main thing to be seen was Logan's flash cards. To be honest, I expected Logan's room to be cleaner. 

"So, what do you need?" Logan said after shutting the door "Oh! Right. Roman found out about him." I opted out saying his real name because look how that went before "What? What happened? Also, where's Dakota?" Logan sat down in his desk chair and pointed to the bed for me and Mike "I'm not sure, he might still be in Deceit's room.." Logan nodded "And, my first question?" I sighed "Mike accidentally let it slip." Mike's head bowed a bit "Sorry." Logan nodded again "It's quite alright." We sat in silence for a minute before Logan asked Mike about his injuries, I was watching them and then I heard a very familiar voice in my head 'Glad to see that you care Virgil.' My eyes widened then I looked at Mike and Logan, they were still occupied 'Are you okay?' There was silence and then he suddenly spoke again 'He got violent and struck me down. I think I've been out the entire time.' I sighed softly 'I'll come get you.' Dakota was silent for more than a minute this time and I thought he had passed out again 'No, stay there.' I sighed in relief 'I'll be fine.' Dakota hissed in pain 'He's still here. I'm pretty sure he's still staring at me.' I shuddered at the thought 'I'm sorry.' Dakota sighed 'It doesn't matter. I'll get out of this soon, okay? You just have to focus on getting out of here.' And then things went silent completely. I had to get Dakota and get out of here. William and the Paranoia were going to stop at nothing until I'm..I dunno, I'm already dead so..oh yeah! I can't merge with Paranoia again. I wonder if Thomas is okay. This is a lot to have in your mind at one time. 

That's it! I'll take Dakota and Mike to the real world! Paranoia can't leave the mindscape and William probably doesn't know how either. "Logan." Said side looked at me, he seemed relieved for some reason "What if I take Mike and Dakota to Thomas?" Logan pushed his glasses farther up his nose "It's possible. But how do we explain Micheal? He's not a side, even if we tell Thomas that he his Michael may never show up again." I nodded "How about we don't lie? You're beginning to sound like Deceit." Logan shrugged "He's beginning to rub off on me." Mike cleared his throat and we turned to look at him "Mind telling me what this is all about?" Logan shook his head "It's better that you don't know what's going on." Mike opened his mouth to say something but someone knocked on the door "Get under that bed just in case." Logan said before making his way to the door. I helped Mike under the bed then I climbed underneath. I wasn't sure why this was necessary but at least it's helpful. The door creaked opened and then there were the sound of someone panting, almost like they had been running.

"Hello Mrs. Afton."

Virgil AftonWhere stories live. Discover now