Chapter 6

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Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not a single hour that I lay in bed did I fall asleep. I guess that's what happens when I don't have a sleep schedule. "Virgil! Dinners ready!" I groaned and got up from my comfortable position which is curled up into a ball. It gives me a sense of security, I managed to walk over to the door when I heard voices on the other side: "William, this is insane! Virgil is dead. He can't die again!" Wow, my Mother is vouching for me. "No, but there is an animatronic with his name on it." There was silence "He can finally be like the rest of us!" Oh boy. I opened the door and walked by the room "You don't think he heard us do you?" William chuckled "That kid hasn't listened to anyone a day in his life." I rolled my eyes and continued my trek to the kitchen "I made your favorite Virgil!" I'm sure my eyes lit up "Ugh, Pizza again?" I sighed "Thanks Patton, but I'm not really hungry." Patton turned around "You haven't eaten since this morning!" I smiled "I'm fine." William and Clara walked into the room a minute later "Virgil, honey. Can we talk to you?" Uh oh. "Of course Mother!" I said almost too cheerfully. Clara's smile was menacing, I followed them to William's room and that's where the real fun started. They stuffed me inside an animatronic called Yenndo, basically he's all wires. Like..Mangle, I'm sure you've heard of them. I mean if your a Five Nights at Freddy's fan then you've heard of everybody. Except me if course. I'm not mentioned anywhere. Except maybe now. "There. Now Virgil, I want you to think of your old body." I did as he said and now I was back to normal. "Don't speak to anyone about this." I nodded. This is one heck of a day. Remy, Dakota, please let me sleep!

Virgil AftonWhere stories live. Discover now