Chapter 32

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(*Notice! Author doesn't know how to write fight scenes!*)

"What the heck?!"

In shock I turned to look at Remus who just used his freaking voice. Has he been faking this entire time?! "Whoops, looks like the cat is out of the bag." I turned to look at Logan who also had a shocked expression, it was odd. I pushed all of my thoughts to the back of my mind and focused on Paranoia who was just standing there staring I guess. He had a crazed look on his face, it was unsettling.

"Logan, watch over Dakota!" Said side nodded and I turned to look at Paranoia once more "Let's do this." Paranoia's grin seemed to get bigger as he charged towards me, I braced myself for impact as he made a move to kick my stomach. Instead of kicking me backwards like I thought he would, I moved a little bit. Right, I'm made of metal now. I decided that maybe since I was metal I could punch him once and be over with this. So I tried it. Unfortunately Paranoia dodged it.

I changed my stance and aimed for his face, he didn't need it right? This time he wasn't prepared. I hit him as hard as I could in the face and he flew backwards, it was funny to watch. As he sat up, his glare came into view. Dark tendrils came from behind him, I assume they're from his back. It seems I unlocked the final boss. "You took everything from me Virgil!" Oh crap, this bulls**t again. His voice started to distort as he continued to yell obscenities at me.

The tendrils lunged towards me. I dodged a couple of them and grabbed the two aiming for my torso, I pushed as hard as I could to keep them away from my body. He was much stronger now.

"This is all your fault!!

"Virgil!" I perked up at the sound of Dakota's voice but I couldn't lose my focus. I had to defeat Paranoia! I pulled on the tendrils until they were taut, Paranoia tried his best to pull away but he couldn't. I swung the tendrils, sending Paranoia into the wall. Paranoia got up quickly and charged towards me once more, even faster than he did before. He kept using martial arts which I didn't know how to fight against. His attacks didn't hurt, they just slowed me down. I waited for the perfect time to punch Paranoia but he blocked me, it seems I have to change up my moves. This metal wasn't really heavy but I still wasn't used to it, this was the first time I had used my animatronic form since I was forced to take it.

I watched one of Paranoia's moves, a kick that seemed simple enough. I blocked the kick and copied it, kicking him in the stomach. He cried out as it happened, I almost felt sympathy. Almost. He fell to the ground clutching his stomach.

In that split second, I had finally thought of a plan: 1) Knock him out, 2) Throw him in the other room that locks on the outside. Simple right?

I decided that I might as well make this quick. I slammed my fist into the side of his head as hard as I could, Paranoia cried out once more as he fell to the ground in a heap. I froze, waiting to see if he would get up again, he didn't. I sighed in relief before brushing hair out of his face, he got what he deserved.

I looked back at Logan and Dakota "Great job, Virgil! I'm assuming you have a plan to get rid of him then?" I nodded and picked up the passed out side, it pained me that I would have to do this on my own but it had to be done. I walked down the right hallway towards the room we originally ran to a few chapters ago. "You're planning on locking him up? What if he escapes?" Dakota asked, Logan was helping him walk when I looked back at him. "This was the only plan I had. This way we can keep an eye on him." The room came into view just as I said that. The door was still open.

I knelt down and set Paranoia down on the floor before transforming back into my original form, I smiled sadly at the side in front of me before looking back at Dakota and Logan, their faces changed to surprise and I quickly found out why. All of a sudden everything went black.

Virgil AftonWhere stories live. Discover now