Chapter 13

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When I woke up it was dark I was tied up in a chair, in William's room. Did Princey help William kidnap me? I mean, I know he doesn't like me but jeez. I tried to free my wrists but it was no use, my legs weren't tied which was weird, I tried moving my legs but they were numb. "You're finally awake!" A voice said in the shadows, my eyes widened in shock "What are you doing here? I thought I got rid of you!" A chuckle filled my ears "Your dear father brought me back. He told me I would be back in the real world if I got rid of you." I rolled my eyes "Of course he did." I mumbled "ENOUGH!" He yelled. "I was lost in your memory for so many years! I can finally have a chance at my own life!" My heart ached "I could've helped you..instead I was blinded by anger. Please forgive me! Please, I can help you. William is no g-" I was cut off by a slap to the face. Tears formed in my eyes and he started yelling at me again "No! I don't believe you! Ever since we were separated you treated me like I was trash." He lowered his voice a bit and leaned in front of my face "Virgil, don't you understand? I can't forgive you easily." He sighed and turned away, I finally noticed a figured standing in the corner "Go tell the others that Virgil went out." The figure nodded and ran off. I knew exactly who the figure was at that point. A certain fanciful character. 

He turned back towards me and smiled "I will release you, eventually. William and Clara have business to do with you and Micheal." I raised an eyebrow then looked next to me to see Micheal passed out still. He smirked and disappeared into the darkest part of the room. 

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