Chapter 10

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So, Mike appeared. May that be a problem or not. Well, actually it's a major problem. William may have been an innocent man in the first chapter but now, you can probably see it's not exactly true anymore. I hope that the sides will be able to watch over us because we will really need it. I'm really sorry I feel like this is really bad, um..I guess I'll try to sleep and then get back to this..


Good Morning! Yes, I decided to just leave it in this chapter. I didn't realize how hard it was to write a story, I feel sorry for all those authors who constantly write. Princey and I watched a lot of Disney yesterday and I tried to write this chapter but it didn't end well. Um, anyways. I was sitting on the couch scrolling through Tumblr, the sides had left at least an hour ago with William and Clara, Mike stayed with me. We were sitting next to each other in an awkward manner, Melani was watching T.V. while Chris, Liz, and Kai were playing video games in my room. Yes, I had video games. I didn't play them very often though. Well, actually the only game I played at that time was Kingdom Hearts 3. Don't worry, no spoilers. 

"So, what happened earlier?" Mike said quieting my racing mind "What do you mean?" I said looking at him, "Well you passed out for a bit after you saw me.." I sighed "Look, I had things on my mind okay?" Mike nodded and looked away, I could basically taste the anxiety coming off of him. I felt really bad "So, this is where you have been since you.." He paused and shifted uncomfortably "Uh, yeah. I mean not exactly, believe it or not God gave me a second chance. But there was a catch and I became living dead I guess. I mean not like a zombie but.." I sighed "The catch was that I had to become a personality trait." Mike nodded "Which one did you become?" I winced "Well, at first I became a dark trait called Paranoia. But because I was Paranoia my entire life was a living H**l. The other dark sides decided to send me to the light sides because it's what was best for Thomas. Entering the light sides made me the trait Anxiety. My life is still not the greatest but at least I have one.." Mike nodded. We heard yelling coming from the other room a few minutes later "That's not fair! You cheated!" Followed by Chris crying. I stood up from the couch and left down the hall towards my room, mentally preparing myself for the kids trying to pin the blame on each other.

I entered my room and stared at them "What's going on?" They each jumped and turned around almost in unison, Liz was the first person to speak "Kai is accusing Chris of cheating." I sighed and rubbed my face in frustration "It hasn't even been a half hour and you guys are already fighting. I'm going to have to separate you guys if you can't play nice together. Elizabeth, why don't you come play with Melani. She's a bit lonely." Liz nodded "Okay big brother!" Liz ran out of the room and I looked back at the boys "Okay, you guys better play nice." They nodded and I sighed "Alright, I'm going to make lunch." They nodded and went back to playing..what were they playing? Oh yeah..that one game that I forgot the name of. Call of duty? Eh, I walked into the hallway and closed the door behind me. When I entered the Commons, Mike was laying down on the couch while Melani and Liz sat on top of him. I'm happy that Chris and Liz are interacting with Mike. I entered the kitchen but felt the familiar tugging from Thomas "Mike, can you watch the kids while I'm gone? Thomas is calling me." Mike muttered a yes from the other room and I sunk down, then I rose up in my usual place on the stairs.

"Hey Thomas." I sighed noticing that Thomas was asleep on the couch "He must have summoned me in his sleep.." I whispered to myself. I smiled to myself and grabbed a blanket from off the other side of the couch and laid it on top of him carefully, I then sunk out again and back into the kitchen. Everything was the same as I left it, Kai ran in a few minutes later "Is lunch ready Virgil!" I shook my head "I had to go see Thomas." Kai nodded and ran back into my room. "I hate babysitting." I mumbled then I turned to the fridge. I was halfway through making lunch when out of the corner of my eye I saw a creepy golden rabbit staring at me then it disappeared.

Virgil AftonWhere stories live. Discover now