2: The Prince of Seduction

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[AN: Let's get the smut this early to make way for...?]

2: The Prince of Seduction

He gritted his teeth as his body protested from the cold. Who in their right mind would swim naked at night in December, after coming out from a winter-like air-conditioned room? He couldn't complain though. If it's what Gavin wants, it's what he gets.

Meyer did a beautiful backstroke and from his peripheral vision, he can see Gavin leaning at the edge of the pool like a trainer waiting for a dolphin. He swam back towards him, his head rose above the water and their eyes were level to each other.

 He swam back towards him, his head rose above the water and their eyes were level to each other

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"Good enough?" Meyer asked with difficulty. The cold was seeping through his body.

"Yeah. Your body is still the best." Gavin traced a finger on Meyer's nose bridge and went down to his lips. He inserted it into Meyer's mouth who licked it.

Meyer looked at his waterproof watch. "I think they're done. Let's go back?"

Gavin nodded and he waited for Mew to put on a bathrobe before he got carried again towards the room. Their entire walk, Gavin only looked at Meyer's face. He was fascinated with it. And it looked sexier now that water was dripping on his temples from that wet hair that he brushed up. Unable to resist, he placed a soft kiss on his cheek making Meyer look confused but amused.

The first thing that Meyer saw when they reentered the room was that it had been completely cleaned. Being Gavin's host for a year, he already knows what would happen next after seeing him naked and wet.


And sex they did at the bathroom which was as palace-looking as the rest of the room. Afterwards, they did it too on the couch and on the bed. Gavin is someone you cannot underestimate. He looks frail and sophisticated but is really wild on bed. They did it until Gavin collapsed on top of him, energy drained from too much pleasure.

 They did it until Gavin collapsed on top of him, energy drained from too much pleasure

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Meyer looked at the sleeping guy on his chest. Gavin looks innocent only at times like this. It was like babysitting an emotional toddler. But the thing is, like the others, he thinks that Gavin is very pretty. Aside from his face, he's one of the few who had seen his body.

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