21: Kao's Decision

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[AN: Zee wanted to clear things up with Meyer. He led him to speak with the prince.]

21: Kao's Decision

Gavin couldn't sleep since the day he left the palace. After staying at Clove for a day, he and Zee opted to book at a more unsuspicious place and they didn't have to go that far. Nouveau sits pretty just beside it with a convenient connecting passage.

Gavin couldn't eat and think properly after he and Meyer had a talk. He thought that Zee did a good job of convincing Meyer to speak with him. He didn't expect that it will shake their whole relationship entirely. His last words were still ringing on his mind:

Forget about me, Gavin. Live your own life.

He couldn't. How would you forget a person who came and brought color to your secluded life? Meyer was the representation of everything he wanted: freedom, love, fun. He showed him plenty of stuff that money can't buy. He experienced normal life and went to common places. Most of all, it was the first time someone actually loved him for who he is.

Why? Why was he a Thanakun?

Both he and Zee started as numerous loud knocks were heard on their door. Who dared disturb a hotel guest? Wasn't this hotel a posh place for the richest people in the country?

"We know you're inside, Prince Gavin. The king wants for you to come with us quietly."

"Palace guards." Zee murmured. Gavin nodded at him and Zee knew what he needed to do.

Zee was sweating and he was so nervous. He needs to protect Gavin, but he can't help thinking that this was all too dangerous. By the looks of it, it was not just one guard outside. They were outnumbered. Closing his eyes, he decided out of pressure. He bowed in front of him.

"I'm sorry, Prince Gavin." he said. He turned around against his will, climbed out the window and escaped.

When they heard no response, the palace guards opened the door forcefully. The heavy door swung loudly and revealed about 5 guards. The prince was seated quietly on a couch.

"Your majesty, we do not want trouble. Please come with us."

Gavin gulped. This was the end of his 'hiding'. It didn't even take a week before he was found. Monarch connections are really scary sometimes and only now did he realize that the level of justice in their country is biased. While Meyer was searching for Ohm's killer, it took more than a year. He, who just escaped to breathe some air, was found in a matter of days.

"Where is your bodyguard, Prince Gavin?"

"I have no one here with me." Gavin lied.

"Then, after you, Prince Gavin."

Gavin stood up and walked past the bodyguards who lined up to let him pass. The one asking questions was Great, Prince Kao's head bodyguard. Instantly, pieces clicked together as he looked at him. His conversation with Zee earlier suddenly leaping into his mind:

"Who do you think sent those pictures to the queen?"

"Could be anyone in the south wing." Zee said, but he was unsure. The south wing adores Prince Gavin even if he throws tantrums every day. He was less obnoxious than the people in the north wing, and had a huge development in politeness since Meyer came. He doesn't want to believe that any of the staff would betray him. The south wing is one intimate community that loves the prince even if they know or suspected his sexual preference.

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