9: Crazy Meyer

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[AN: Don't be confused. It's just a cameo.]

9: Crazy Meyer

Meyer opened his eyes and was met with a migraine.

He had been drinking last night as he was shown the footage of himself running to catch that fucking Rolls Royce. Gavin had ordered his trusted men to get as much footage as they can. Nothing much was seen except that it proved his theory that whoever owns it must be a VIP or VVIP. It parked at the basement of Nouveau which he knows has a passage towards the VVIP of Clove. Clove's CCTVs are strictly confidential and even with Gavin's status, it was impossible to see.

 Clove's CCTVs are strictly confidential and even with Gavin's status, it was impossible to see

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[AN: If you are confused, this is how I picture it. Clove to Nouveau using the secret passage is about a five-minute walk.]

There was one thing he discovered though when Gavin commanded for the bullet to be examined. It turned out to be a rare and customized bullet. Indeed, there was a foreign engraving on it that Meyer cannot read. He thought it was just a brand name or something. Earlier, the report came that it was from a gun manufacturer that is owned by the Nattapol family and is manufactured in the US.

The only Nattapol in Higher Island are the ones related to Senator Nattapol. And the only Nattapol that is in close proximity with them is Max Nattapol.

Freaking Hermes's real name.

He felt like he had just run a circle. If it is Hermes who killed his brother, he'll have to plot how to kill him, but he knows it won't be too easy. He was up with a son of a politician. 

He turned to his side and was greeted by Gavin's sleeping face. He inched his hand closer and traced the reddish neck that was a product of his brashness earlier. He closed his eyes trying to think of it.

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