20: Blood or Lover

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[AN: Sorry for the long wait. I was pondering on what to do with the next chapter because I've already scrapped it plenty of times.

Previous chapter: It turns out that Gavin left the palace to be with Meyer. Meyer rejected him, and as they roamed around the streets, they were spotted by Max/Hermes.]

20: Blood or Lover

All along their ride with Max, Zee didn't remove his hold of the prince. Even as they strolled along the halls of the place that Gavin never thought he would enter, Zee was still overprotective. Max rolled his eyes. Perhaps this place has dirty deeds, but Clove is definitely safer than other establishments.

"This is an honor, your majesty. Clove memberships are extremely confidential, but I know who all stockholders are. Having the most secret member here is a pleasure."

Zee glared at him. There was no one around them but Tul, and he still felt paranoid. Since they entered the secret entrance, they have seen nothing but walls of paintings. He was so sure that there are hidden cameras around. The prince can't have any evidence that he's been here.

"We were not prepared, I'm sorry. But I hope you would like this vacant room that is usually reserved for new members."

Zee wasn't comfortable. Of all people who would see them, Max, a dangerous man with so many connections spotted them sitting on the street. He's heard stories about him from Meyer, and they were all not pleasant. Involved in underground societies, illegal prostitution, and by the looks of it, illegal drugs.

Gavin observed the room. It was a plain white, with about 5 doors inside it. There was no furniture inside except for a sofa, table and bed. It wasn't that bad. It was very spacious, but admittedly, his room at the palace was a little bit larger.

"If you need anything, just use that phone on the wall. Staff will arrive to help you. Usually, we don't let outsiders here." Max glanced at Zee. "But we'll let it slide this time. If you wish to continue occupying this room, then, please be informed that personal bodyguards aren't allowed in VVIP areas."

Gavin just sighed. He wasn't fond of Hermes. Meyer told him that this guy was very talkative. It wasn't the first time he had seen him. After all, Max was at Princess Rianne's wedding. He can't just book a random hotel, it would attract rumors. He forgot that he had an investment in this place. Who knew it would come in handy?

"Go. Don't tell anyone that I'm here." Gavin commanded.

"Understood, Prince Gavin." Max bowed. "We'll leave now. Please enjoy your stay. Just in case you need my help specifically, then..." he took a business card and left it on the table, and winked.

He and Tul left.

"Prince Gavin, are you sure about this?" Zee asked for the nth time that night. The usually level-headed and wise prince was making reckless decisions one after another. "You have no escape if anyone knows you're here. This place is... inappropriate."

"I have no choice, Zee. Just... just rest." Gavin said, looking around the room.

By default, he took the bed, and Zee, the sofa. For extra caution, Zee moved it near the bedroom so he can jump into action in case Gavin needs protection. For the longest time, they were silent. Gavin lay there, wondering if the south wing realized that he wasn't around, or if his disappearance had somehow reached the north wing. And if it did, what will be the king's next move?

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