10: Temptation

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[AN: Previous chapter: Meyer got drunk at Clove, missing the car he was chasing for a year. He returns to the palace, ties Gavin up, and...]

10: Temptation

Meyer choked Gavin.

His eyes were getting red too – out of anger. His frustrations were playing with his whole mind for the day, and all he wanted was to relieve it, to calm himself, to be back to being unemotional.

He forgot that his 'playmate' is his boss.

Gavin wasn't resisting at all. Instead, he smirked and laughed maniacally as Meyer tightened his hold on his neck.

"Going to kill me?" he raised an eyebrow. "Uugh."

Meyer continued choking him, lost in thoughts again. He wasn't seeing Gavin anymore. In front of him was Hermes/Max who was laughing at his face. He felt blood flowing through his veins. He gripped the neck some more, his fingernails digging into the skin.

"M-Meyer. You cannot kill me. I fund your investigation. What would happen to you when I'm gone? No one's gonna help y-you."

The face changed from Hermes to Ohm.

"You cannot kill me." 'Ohm' repeated.

"Haaaaa!" Meyer shouted. He released his hold and backed away, falling on the floor. His brother was crying. Hermes is laughing. Countless voices were whispering in his ears. He shook his head and shouted again. 

Hermes and Ohm disappeared. The only person on the bed was Gavin.

"Haha! I fucking knew it." He coughed. "You are not capable of killing anyone." Gavin laughed as he moved on the bed, still bound by the belt.

"No. Noooo." Meyer stood up and stumbled. He crumpled his hair. He wasn't thinking straight anymore. His mind's a mess. Hurriedly, he picked up his boxers and put them on, giving Gavin another nervous glance.

"Remove this." Gavin tugged at his belt.

Gavin could have shouted for Zee. He can scream for bodyguards to come, but he didn't. Meyer stepped forward as if afraid to approach an animal that can attack. Slowly, he reached out to untie what he had done. Gavin's arms were finally free but because they were so numb, he didn't move after. He lay there, arms on either side. Meyer eyed his appearance.

There were multiple bites all over his body. The wrists were an angry red, same with his neck which had the unmistakable mark of his own hands. There was cum from both of them on the sheets. He backed away again.

Gavin watched him as he put on his pants, took the belt he used, and wore it. He knew he was in trouble. He had hurt a royal. The punishment is death.

He slipped as he ran, hurting his knees in the process. But he didn't mind. He got up quickly, grabbed his shirt, and like a mad man, rushed to the door. Will Zee knock him down? Will the guards arrest him? How pathetic that he was close to another evidence but he'll just die in the process?

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