18: Best Revenge

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[AN: In case you're confused, the country here is an invented one which is Higher Pines.

Off topic: If you see an account hating on MG, specially Mew, please report immediately. I have already reported plenty this week including a Thai media outlet, since MEw had that issue with NCT. His sexuality is also being attacked, and the whole MewArt thing is resurfacing again. Please do not engage in them. Just report as bullying and harassment.

If you were there before MG, please DO NOT ATTACK Art. He's also a victim here.]

18: Best Revenge

The scent of blossoms invaded his nostrils and it woke him up from his sleep. He could feel a soothing rub on his forehead and realized that Gavin was parting his bangs. The cheap bracelet he had given the prince swayed in front of him as Gavin's hand flattened his hair.

"You're awake."

He also saw that there was something sticking to his hand. An IV drip. It's his first time in this room, but he knows that this is the bodyguard quarters.

"You were dehydrated so you got weak." Gavin explained without him asking. "I've had the doctor check on you. It's best if you just stay in bed the whole day. Do you want to eat?"

He shook his head.

"Then, do you want to talk about what happened?"

He licked his dry lips and breathed out. The memory was etched on his brain that he dreamt about it.

"I followed the Rolls Royce and in it was Max and Tul. They caught me."

Gavin blinked to hide his shock, but Meyer shook his head again.

"It did nothing. They denied killing Ohm. And I hate to admit it, but he might be telling the truth."

"You mean, it's highly possible that it wasn't them?"

Meyer nodded. "I will have to do further investigations."

But what did Max say? The killer is just near? Who else has this kind of influence to erase CCTV copies, close the case and get away with the police? He didn't want to think anymore. He held Gavin's hand and pulled him close.

"Don't you have a class for today?"

"Yeah, earlier."

"What? How long have I been out?"

"Almost 24 hours. My classmates were looking for you."

He gaped. He thought he was just out for a few hours. Was he that weak that Max's mind play gave him an emotional assault?

For the rest of the day, Gavin accompanied him in the bodyguard quarters. Meyer was afraid of gossips, but Gavin looked like he didn't mind. In fact, the maids and other staff are acting oddly today, like they're sitting on a rumor and can't wait for Prince Gavin to leave so they can talk about it. He just hoped it wasn't about them. After all, the prince never passes by this area of the palace.

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