17: Hermes

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[AN: Meyer took Gavin on a date. Gavin realized that expensive gifts meant nothing if the person who gave it doesn't have a connection with him.]

17: Hermes

If Gavin enjoyed their first date, he certainly loved their second date too.

After his class, they went to the pottery place and collected what they made. It had been baked beautifully. They laughed at Zee whose eyes were shining as he ran his hand on the shiny bowl he had created. His hands were too strong to handle something delicate.

They went next to one of Gavin's childhood list: a theme park. His family once went to Disneyland but he didn't enjoy it at all because the queen would not let him have fun. He remembered watching Kao and Phuwin happily ride kiddie roller coasters, meanwhile, he was left in the shed. Now, his goal is to ride each and every attraction.

It took them the whole afternoon to explore the place. Meyer was specifically fond of the horror booth. All throughout the maze, Gavin was hung to him like a koala. And who would've thought a man like Zee with firm muscles is actually scared of man-made spooks? He ran faster than girls and was as white as paper when they came out.

 And who would've thought a man like Zee with firm muscles is actually scared of man-made spooks? He ran faster than girls and was as white as paper when they came out

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They took a break at one of the restaurants with teacup tables and ate children's set meals. Gavin forgot how it was to be young. He didn't have an exciting childhood. Yes, he was pampered with money, he probably had more riches than the neighborhood kids combined, but he didn't experience being a proper child.

It became a habit for them to go out and sometimes escape the palace. Everyday is love day for both of them.

He and Meyer will have dates after his class, heavily supervised by Zee. He would bring the prince to commoner places he hasn't been to. Sometimes their dates are just inside seldom visited parts in the palace. Indeed, Meyer didn't know that there's a butterfly garden inside it. And at one time, a small wine cellar.

Before they knew it, they were now celebrating their 3rd month of being lovers. They're the happiest they have ever been.

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