25: The Cooking Prince

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[AN: Gavin leaves the palace.]

25: The Cooking Prince

Prince Gavin personally managed his own drop-out papers, a move that made the citizens more curious. He could be seen sometimes out in public, buying groceries, or eating out at sidewalk eateries. What made everyone so shocked though, was he applied as a staff at the nearest orphanage, in which he will only earn less than 1percent of his usual allowance as a royal.

People were also shocked that he had his hair trimmed. The elegant knot he wears was now gone, replaced with a short, clean-cut. The hairs he had parted with amounted to almost a foot long which he donated to a cancer institute. These recent acts poured more fat into the unending rumors that the monarchs are currently facing, after all, they all love how long Prince Gavin's hair was.

 These recent acts poured more fat into the unending rumors that the monarchs are currently facing, after all, they all love how long Prince Gavin's hair was

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"I like it though." Meyer said, as he ran his scarred hand at the back of Gavin's hair. He was the one who cut it as the prince instructed. The tips tickled his palm as Gavin complained about people coming up to him, saying that they liked the long one better.

"I didn't know shampoo costs that much!" he continued. "Had I known, I would've packed my oils and conditioners from the palace."

Meyer snorted. "I thought you cut your hair to..." he used his fingers to quote in the air, "start a new beginning?"

Gavin rolled his eyes. "Well, yeah that too. But I can't maintain my long hair with the salary I'm getting can I?"

Meyer sniffed his hair. "Yeah ok. On my next salary, I'll buy you your lubes and whatever it is you put on your hair."


When Gavin left the palace, Meyer's fake bodyguard duties were officially over. So is his high salary. He no longer needs to research, so like Gavin, he had to start somewhere. He got accepted into a business establishment since he had great computer skills. Meanwhile, Zee who now isn't part of the royal crusade sought employment where his bodyguard training is an advantage. They see him almost every day at a huge shopping mall manning the doors, although he still can't get over his protective stance. He moved right next door to see to it that Gavin is safe.

"Will you also buy me roses for my bath?"

"What the heck do you need flowers for? Just a normal soap will do!"

"I miss the smell. Remember? I swim on a bathtub full of petals."

"Yeah, but I don't have a tub."

"Oh right."

Gavin was still getting used to normal living. With nowhere to go, it was almost an automatic decision to live with Meyer in his condo. It seems that the king didn't want anything to do with them. For almost a month now, no suspicious stalking people from the palace, no signs of monarch influence in their jobs. Truth be told, it was Gavin who had to do plenty of adjustments. In his free time, he is learning how to cook. He now knows how to boil, fry and poach an egg.

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