22: The Gun

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[AN: Previous chapter: Kao announced that he will be king in order to protect Gavin. He ends up drinking because of this, and as he is about to leave Clove, he was faced with Meyer taking Gavin as a hostage.]

22: The Gun

Gavin only stayed in his room for a few hours before going out again. Someone had told him that a host called and had seen Prince Kao at Clove VIP. He panicked. One, compared to the VVIP, the VIP area is more crowded, and despite secrecy emanating through the walls, you can never tell if someone would actually blab about who's who in the place. Two, usually, when Meyer is feeling stressed, he goes out for a drink at the VIP.

He paced around the room. The two can't meet. Both are still emotional, especially Meyer who expressed his desire for revenge. The memory of staying at Clove the other day was still fresh in his mind. Just before he and Zee moved to Nouveau, he had a brief talk with Meyer.

 Just before he and Zee moved to Nouveau, he had a brief talk with Meyer

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Gavin blinked. He's still not asleep, is he? Meyer is in front of him, eyes bloodshot, and smelling of liquor. He got out of bed and slowly walked towards him. A wet Zee who had earlier jumped in the pool excused himself and stood by the door, drying himself.

Cautiously, Gavin reached out and traced Meyer's cheek, waiting for a reaction. Meyer just stood there, looking lost. Before he went here, he had conditioned himself to stick with his conscience: whoever killed Ohm must pay. They took a life; they must pay with their life. It doesn't matter if he gets killed in the process too. The only thing stopping him is his relationship with Gavin, so how will he continue with his revenge?

"Gavin, I came here to break up with you."

"I knew you'd say that." Gavin's eyes were starting to turn red too. His shallow sleep had led to nightmares and now that he's awake, it became true. The only one he wants in his life – he can't get.

"It will be ugly. My brother's death needs justice. I can't promise that there won't be bloodshed."

"I don't want you to dirty your hands, Meyer."

"I have to. Whoever it was needs to pay." Meyer said coldly, but his heart was breaking into pieces. The spoiled prince didn't throw a fit, didn't slap him, didn't shout at him like he expected him to. Gavin looked calm but also heart-broken. He couldn't blame him. The eldest prince is one of the most important people in their family and in his life.

"I'll have to see to it that he suffers the same as my brother."

"He's my brother, Meyer." Gavin said, almost pleading.

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