28: Prunes

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[AN: This is the last chapter of this ff. Thank you for reading it up to here.

I think I mentioned Ohm, Meyer and Gavin's age gap before, but I can't remember it, so I'm going to create another one. My memory...

Please read the AN at the end.]


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28: Prunes

A tall 7-year-old boy sat inside a taxi beside his dad. They were running late for their appointment; the streets were just so crowded today. They were dressed quite neatly: both wearing semi-formal clothes, carrying a bouquet of flowers.

"We should've turned left on the other road. I forgot they opened the alleys for people today." The taxi driver said.

"What's with today though?" The dad asked, glancing at the number of people who seem to be hurrying towards an even larger group. Then he saw what the commotion was about and said excitedly, "Oh!"

 Then he saw what the commotion was about and said excitedly, "Oh!"

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Horns blared from all corners. People cheered. The taxi stopped behind the crowd who were all looking up at a huge and glamorous-looking palace. King Seven of Higher Pines waved from the balcony, followed by Princess Rianne and Prince Kao. The people in the taxi watched from the large screens as it focused on a tiny baby on King Sev's arm.

"Lew! It's a baby, look!" the dad pointed at the screen where the whole royal family stood behind the king. The boy named Lew stared at all of this, quite bored. "This is the third time in their reign where they introduced their offspring. What's the new prince's name again?"

"Calvin, I think." The taxi driver said.

"I can't believe I'm seeing this in real-time! Look how cute that prince is!" the dad said.

A commentator spoke, his voice filling the speakers: "His Royal Highness, King Seven and Queen Emilia returned to the palace last night from their flight, a day after Prince Gavin was born. Queen Emilia needs more rest as per doctor's orders, so young Prince Gavin is carried by King Seven."

"Aye... and several nasty rumors are circulating about the queen and that Calvin. Very nasty. Some say the queen just went to another country for show. Sounds to me the new prince was actually born inside the castle." The taxi driver muttered.

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