13: Mmhyer

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[AN: Previous chapter: Zee and Meyer were suspended because Gavin got attacked. Meyer felt strange at not being beside the prince so he sneaked up to Gavin's balcony. But they got caught?]

13: Mmhyer

"Watch where you're pointing your gun." Gavin growled. He took the nearest fragile ornament his hand can grab and threw it at the new bodyguard. Meyer almost gasped as he caught it and avoided it with ease.

"Apologies, Prince Gavin. I heard something suspicious." He said without putting his gun down.

"Didn't I tell you not to come in without my permission?!" Gavin shouted, grabbing another one and throwing it at him. From behind, he gestured for Meyer to leave.

"I heard something..." he repeated again as he caught the second ceramic with his free hand.

"I hate people who pry on my privacy!" Gavin said. "Get out!"

But this bodyguard didn't listen. He ran forward and slid the curtains while pointing his gun at every direction of the balcony.

 He ran forward and slid the curtains while pointing his gun at every direction of the balcony

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"How dare you disobey orders! I'll have you fired!" Gavin shouted.

Meyer was back to his Maserati by the time the bodyguard leaned from the balcony. He had seen him plenty of times before. The guy was a perfect representation of head bodyguards. His eyes were melancholy but sharp. His face doesn't change expressions as if he doesn't have emotions at all. He was fit and his muscles are toned. Usually seen at the north wing and beside Prince Kao, Great squinted at the dark to check for intruders.

Meyer bit his knuckles to stop himself from laughing as he saw Great got smacked with a heavy book. Not wanting to be seen, he drove back to his condo.

"I'll have Prince Kao fire you. You aren't listening to me at all." Gavin had great satisfaction as he held his socialism book.

Great bowed. "My apologies, Prince Gavin. But Prince Kao endorsed me to take care of you."

"I told you plenty of times, no one's out there. If I tell you to put your gun down, you follow!"

"As a head bodyguard, I needed to check. We can't have you getting hurt again."

Gavin gritted his teeth. He was very different from Zee. "If you don't step out right this instant, I'll have the north wing collect your remains."

Great didn't say anything anymore and got out.

"Freaking nosy asshole." Gavin muttered and went back to staring out the window, annoyed that his sexy time got ruined.

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