6: Royal Lunch Meeting

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6: Royal Lunch Meeting

Gavin had never seen Prince Kao angry. When they were children, he accidentally broke one of his brother's favorite toy horses making the queen livid. He had been whipped and insulted, but Kao was the one who apologized to him and comforted him.

As they were growing up, he admired how people showed Kao respect. He was a role model to everyone and an older brother that he and Phuwin look up to.

So seeing Kao with a face that can kill was something that scared Gavin.

"P-Prince Kao. What are you doing here?" Gavin stood up quickly. Meyer did the same.

"I should be the one asking that, Gavin. What are you two doing?" Kao asked.

"That... he was helping me remove the bandages."

"Really? I don't see any bandages."

"The doctor instructed me to throw them away, your majesty." Meyer said.

He only had a second to put his shirt on and by the time Kao opened the door they were both in the act of standing up from the bed. Meyer wished he had the ointment on his hand for it to be realistic. Kao was glaring at him again.

"Um. What is it Prince Kao? Am I being called again?" Gavin tried to divert his attention.

Kao changed his face quickly. He smiled at his brother and shook his head. "I was just checking up on you. It's been ages since you received a whipping and I was worried your body's not up to it anymore."

"I'm still young." Gavin rolled his eyes.

"I know." Kao said. He patted his brother's hair and looked into his eyes. "I keep telling mom that she should stop this. It's not right."

Gavin forced his lips to smile.

"Ah. If you're sure that you're ok, then I'd like for you and Phuwin to come with me tomorrow for a lunch date and a game of golf with a few of dad's friends. He likes for us to converse with them about a possible road project, basically testing the waters with them. What do you say?"

Gavin doesn't care about stuff like this. It's just a bunch of butt-kissers praising them, but he couldn't say no to Kao. He nodded against his will because he was just planning on lazing around with Meyer.

"Good. Then be ready by 10am."

"Yes, Prince Kao." Gavin said.

Kao ruffled his hair before leaving and gave Meyer a scrutinizing look.

"I swear your brother doesn't like me." Meyer rubbed his chest.

"Because you act suspicious." Gavin shook his head. "Go and train with Zee again. You seem to have forgotten bodyguard manners.

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