16: Gavin's Bird

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[AN: Meyer admitted that he likes Gavin. Gavin feels the same. Meyer decided to bring him somewhere for a date.]

16: Gavin's Bird

"Look closely. It's not a museum, babe." Meyer said.

It definitely was too small to be a museum, but the shelves were lined with countless ceramics and pots. It smelled like clay and hot coal. The walls were covered in bright paintings on intricate frames. Zee, who was standing behind them, wearing casual clothes too, picked up a jar and examined it.

"A pottery? Seriously?" Zee asked.

Gavin gaped at them when he heard it. "What are we doing here?"

"I'm taking you to a pottery class." Meyer smirked.


"Keep your voice down, will you? You don't want to be recognized." Meyer hushed him.

"B-but... That's dirty!" he pointed at the lumps of clay on the wheel.

"Duh." Meyer rolled his eyes.

He paid for their class and led the two to a corner lined with three wheels. There were no other customers inside. In fact, people don't walk much around here. It was a secluded street.

Even with a mask, Gavin's face showed disgust. It wasn't dirty or anything apart from the clay, but the place was small and cluttered. Gavin's bathroom is bigger than the whole place.

 Gavin's bathroom is bigger than the whole place

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They took their seats, and even Zee looked interested. An instructor sat in front to demonstrate what they needed to do. Gavin was close to tears. 

"Worst date ever." he muttered. 

Growing up, he hasn't experienced touching dirt. Meyer and Zee on the other hand were focused.

"Just slowly step on it so it won't splatter." The instructor said.

"Go on, your ma... I mean, pri... ummm... Phu. It's ok, it's not smelly or anything." Zee said.

All of them agreed that if they're going to have Gavin pretend, it's better to use a fake name. After hours of searching and thinking of names that Gavin all didn't like, he decided upon using a part of his younger brother's name: Phu.

Gavin's shaking hands reached out and touched the clay. He's a slob but he despises anything earthy and muddy. He was surprised though that it was quite warm to touch. For the first time, he paid attention to the instructor so that when he left, he can now pedal smoothly.

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