5: Whipped

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[AN: Anyone here who likes cooking and eating?

Previous chapter: Gavin rants about the queen and Meyer doesn't care. We have a bit of a flashback on how Ohm, Meyer's brother, died.]

5: Whipped

Gavin forbid him to come to the palace for a few days, and when he came back, the room looked empty with the absence of ornaments and vases. The owner of the room was nowhere to be seen. He thought that maybe one of his private lessons aren't over yet, so he sat there and scrolled through his phone as he would always do whenever Gavin has to attend to some things.

He heard footsteps and didn't look up until the door was opened. He stood up immediately when he saw that it wasn't Gavin nor Zee.

"What are you doing here?" an arrogant voice asked him.

"I... I'm... waiting for Prince Gavin to finish his... (he made a quick recall on which subject was for today) statistics lessons." He stuttered, hoping that he got the day right.

The guy narrowed his eyes at him. He and Gav had similarities in terms of physical appearance. Both had thick eyebrows, a long and pointed nose, rosy lips, and eyes that can melt you if you stare too much. Gavin's older brother was dressed today in his horse-riding outfit and was staring sternly at him.

 Gavin's older brother was dressed today in his horse-riding outfit and was staring sternly at him

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"Statistic lessons?" he repeated coldly.

"Yes." He said, this time with more confidence.

Prince Kao walked around Gavin's room and around Meyer who stood straight and attentive.

"How many years have you been working here?"

"A year, your majesty."

"A year." He repeated again.

Meyer cursed himself for arriving too early. He shouldn't be here for another hour, but he has nothing to do and he didn't like to get caught up with traffic. Now he was being scrutinized by this royal.

He had heard plenty of things about Prince Kao. Although he lives in the north wing, rumors spread widely and fast by servants. He is known to be just. He has a clean record and above-average grades. The citizens know him as the handsome prince who is next in line to the throne, but Meyer and the palace servants know otherwise.

Within the Thanakun palace, people know that the King wasn't impressed by Kao's polite demeanor. Gavin's grades were more satisfactory. While Gavin is homeschooled (as suggested by the queen), Kao had experience studying in a university here and abroad. He converses with common people and is seen publicly most of the time. The king however thinks that he doesn't have the 'fangs' to rule a country and prefers Gavin over him.

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