23: Silver Tea

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[AN: It was revealed that Gavin himself gave Meyer the gun he was using. As Kao admitted his crime, his loyal bodyguard, Great came to his rescue. However, it was Kao himself that hit Meyer making him unconscious.]

23: Silver Tea

Meyer was walking along dark walls, not knowing where he is or what he is doing here. He let his feet decide where to go. What looked like a small patch of light appeared in front of him, smaller than his outstretched palm, but becoming bigger as if it would swallow him whole.

He didn't run though. He willingly walked inside the light, and as he blinked, the dark walls disappeared, replaced with a garden with a white stony path, leading to trees and bushes with blossoming white flowers. A lone man sat behind a round table, pouring tea over a small teacup. As he spotted Meyer, he waved at him and gave him a friendly smile.

Meyer walked towards him, not understanding what was happening. He sat at the opposite side of the table and stared for a very long time at the young man in front of him. The guy pushed the cup of tea towards him, a few tiny petals landing on the liquid which was thick like molten silver.

 The guy pushed the cup of tea towards him, a few tiny petals landing on the liquid which was thick like molten silver

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[AN: If you know where this screenshot is from, you are an oldie in Kpop. Liquid is originally gold though.]

"This is my favorite tea. I wanted for a long time for you to try it." The guy said as he smiled at Meyer.

Meyer took it and sniffed it. He was surprised that it didn't smell of metal. It smelled of the flowers around – fragrant and minty, relaxing his mind. So relaxed in fact, that he wanted to just sit there and sleep. He looked up at the guy again who had his head raised, staring around the garden with a very satisfied face.

"How are you, Meyer?" he asked.

"I'm... I'm fine." He replied, although he did not know what he was doing before this. All he knows is that he was feeling satisfied. "What about you, Ohm?"

His brother smiled at him again. "I've never been better." He stood up and walked around to pick a flower. Meyer noticed that he was wearing all white too, and that Ohm had a faint scar on one of his legs. "I was in that dark tunnel where you came from, but when I saw this garden, I decided to stay." He sighed dreamily.

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