24: The South Wing

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[AN: The king learned of Kao's crime. Meyer had a dream about his brother, and he almost followed him if not for Gavin's voice.]

24: The South Wing

The whole country can't help but wonder why the monarchs were silent these days. To add to their confusion, it has been reported that Prince Kao had dropped out of the university with the reason that he is ill. Whenever Gavin comes to school, he would be bombarded by reporters' questions and from time to time students too, because there was no way a royal will be ill without the knowledge of doctors. True enough, the royal medical team faced accusations of carelessness only to be subdued by the king himself, telling everybody that Kao would be fine and there was no need to bash the doctors.

Of course, it raised more questions. If the eldest son was ill, surely Prince Gavin will be next in throne? But again, the king made a public announcement that instead of retiring early, he'll be willing to extend his reign for a few more years. Only their family knows that he's extending it because he was waiting for Phuwin to come of legal age.

After Meyer got discharged from the hospital, Gavin went back to the palace. He went straight to the north wing where he was told that Kao was jailed. Indeed, when he walked down the path towards the room where he was always whipped, there sat Kao, still in the clothes when he got caught. He looked up with a sorrowful expression, and as he saw his brother at the door, he stood up to walk towards him. However, he couldn't go far. His feet were chained and there was the obvious mark on his back that means he got whipped.


Gavin came inside escorted by a bodyguard. He sat at the chair that was a few feet away from Kao and he stared hard at his brother.

"I came here to say goodbye to you, Kao." He said.

Kao's eyes flickered nervously. "What do you mean?"

"You know that dad wants perfect children. I am obviously not. I am gay, and he doesn't want a gay successor."

"Then stop seeing that Meyer!" he replied hysterically.

"I will not. Unlike you, I am unashamed of my preference."

Kao blinked.

"I know you like me, Kao. Since that day you kissed me, I started doubting."

"Hear me out, Gavin. I like you... no, I love you! I've been by your side since we were young, and you know I care for you. What does that Meyer have that I don't?! I know I'm not in the right state right now, but if you can convince dad to get me out, I'm sure he'll be able to smooth things out -"

"I won't help you, Kao."


"Kao. Monarchs aren't gods. You have no right to kill Ohm. I certainly will not help you fix anything. You did this to yourself." Gavin said.

"Don't do this to me Gavin. I was willing to be king for you!"

"I didn't ask for it, Kao. Even if we weren't brothers, I will still pick Meyer over you."

Kao stood up from his chair again, looking deranged. The bodyguard stepped forward to shield Gavin, but Kao can't really do anything. The chains on his ankles were preventing him from doing so.

"Tell me, why are you so into that commoner?!"

"He has everything I am looking for. He taught me proper appreciation of small stuff. He thought me to be kind and not look down on people. He is a true person."

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