11: Honey

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[AN: Previous chapter: The Thanakun siblings went to the west wing to do some horseback riding. After Prince Kao and Prince Phuwin left to meet with guests, Prince Gavin fell from his horse.]

11: Honey

Meyer had never run so fast in his life. When his brother died in front of him, he couldn't move a muscle. When he saw that Rolls Royce again the other day, he gave up halfway trying to chase it. Now, with a horse as a competitor, he ran even when his leg muscles protested just to reach Gavin who was in danger of hitting his body on the ground. The screams and shouts of the staff was deafening. Gavin shouldn't be hurt.

The screaming got loud when Prince Gavin was tossed high in the air as the horse bumped into the rails. Meyer slid on the mud like a baseball player protecting his base and opened his arms so that Gavin can fall on them.

Gavin's body was literally inches from the ground when he caught him.

The staff clapped as he rolled off of Meyer. If not for the headgear he was wearing, his head would have suffered a crack. Meyer was just in time.

Zee subdued the horse, meanwhile, both of them stood up.

"Are you ok?" Meyer asked.

Gavin blinked from shock but he nodded. His arm was locked onto Meyer's neck and they have a staring spree for a moment. Meyer's heart raced again. The countless times they have sex, yet this is the first time he's appreciating Gavin's eyes.

"Honey." Meyer said.


Meyer gaped at what he just spurted. The first thing that he associated with Gavin's eyes was honey. He didn't think that he would speak it out loud.

"What did you say?" Gavin frowned.

"Um. Nothing. I think the horse is tired. Let's go back to the south wing." Meyer said.

He limped as he carried the prince to their car. Their ride was completely silent. Meyer was silently screaming in his head for uttering nonsense. Honey! Of all words! He was scared that Gavin might misinterpret. He spared a glance through the rearview mirror and he looked away quickly when he saw that Gavin was looking at him from it too. It was a good thing that the south wing was close. In no time they had arrived and his bodyguard shift will be up. He will have an excuse to run away from him.

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