15: The Crown

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[AN: Previous chapter: Meyer returns from suspension during which he realized he likes Prince Gavin.

Btw, if you're watching 1000stars, I post reactions and theories on my announcement board after every episode.]

15: The Crown

"End your contract with me."

There was a pregnant pause after Meyer said that. Gavin, who was as naked as him, frowned. He didn't understand why Meyer is acting like this. He clutched Meyer's neck and gave him an angry look.


Gavin is not one to underestimate. While he is lean, his grip was so tight that he feared losing his breath.

"I said explain!" Gavin shouted.

Meyer held Gavin's wrist tenderly and pried off the hand that was strangling him. Gavin's eyes were still fiery, but Meyer had made up his mind.

"I don't want to be your whore anymore."

"Yeah? Why? Found someone else to fuck during your suspension? No one else can pay like me, Meyer!"

Meyer felt a pinch on his heart. "You think this is about your money?" He was the one to grip him now. "You think I like getting paid to have sex?" With his other hand, he grabbed Gavin's hair forcefully so that his head was thrown back. Gavin gasped in pain.

"ZEE – hmph."

Meyer silenced him with a kiss before Zee can even hear. Gavin punched his chest to push him, but Meyer's kiss was deep that the prince couldn't utter anything but a stifled moan. Both of them were turning red and it was only when Gavin succeeded in biting Meyer's lower lip that they parted. He kicked him from the bed.

Both of them glowered at each other as they panted. Meyer touched the spot where he was bit and found blood spots on his finger. He knew he had angered Gavin.

"What. The. Actual. Fuck?" Gavin growled. He gathered his nightwear and wore it quickly, securing himself from Meyer. He also took the blanket and wrapped it on him. Gavin has never felt vulnerable around him before. Meyer realized that he had scared him, and he felt guilty.

Still on the floor, he bowed. "I apologize, your majesty." He said sincerely. "I-I'm... I have no excuse."

"I'm giving you a second chance. Explain yourself." Gavin's voice was deep and quivering.

Meyer was still facing the floor. He licked his bloodied lip and curled his fist. He was so torn now. If he refuses to be a Clove VVIP host, he heard that the punishment is brutal. He will lose the money he allocates for the investigation of his brother. If he continues to stay, then he'll be nothing but the prince's sex toy. He can deal with it up to a certain point but in the future, there's no doubt that the king will have Gavin marry a princess. What's the use of staying? And even if he stayed, it's not like Gavin sees him more than a whore. His heart ached again.

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