14: Meyer's Playmate

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[AN:  Previous chapter: Gavin got attacked at school which resulted in Zee and Meyer's suspension. They were replaced by guards from the north wing while they retrain. Prince Kao's true feelings for Gavin are more than brotherly. After a month of suspension, Zee and Meyer go back to the south wing.]

14: Meyer's Playmate

14: Meyer's Playmate

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Meyer's body ached as Zee threw him on the mat for the nth time. He groaned in pain as his shoulder felt numb. He still has 30 minutes of training left for the day, but he can't even force his legs to stand up.

"What? I thought you told me not to go easy on you? This is just my warm-up. Don't tell me you're exhausted?" Zee observed his nails in a bored manner.

"Fuck you." Meyer breathed out.

Zee rotated his own arm. "Well, if you want to give up this fast, I won't force you. After all you're just a fake bodyguard."

Meyer cursed again and tried rolling off of the mat. He used his palm to push himself up but slid down almost instantly.

Zee laughed. "Don't push it. Just lay there and reflect on your life."

"Shit." Meyer couldn't argue. It was as if something heavy was preventing his arms and legs to move. All he could move are his eyes and they stared at the ceiling of the martial arts room of the east wing.

He has been training for half a month now, and he's nowhere near the strength of Zee.

He heard a bottle opening and a few gulps. He also felt thirsty but he didn't need to wait too long. He gasped as Zee threw the rest of the water on his face.

"Why the heck did you do that?!" he felt insulted and annoyed. It was already embarrassing that he can't even pick up a water bottle, must he really mock him this way?

"Old and usual trick of our trainers whenever we slow down during training. In a real training dojo, you have to stand up even it if means breaking your knees in the process. Otherwise, you're not fit to be a bodyguard."

"Heck, Zee!"

Zee shrugged. "You chose this. I told you didn't I? It's not going to be easy."

It definitely isn't, Meyer thought. Zee trained for years; he's only done 2 weeks. If he needs to do intensive stuff like this, he doesn't know if he'll survive.

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